Give internet to our Linux servers

I use latest Manjaro, we have more than 10 Linux servers in another office, and we use CiscoAnyConnect to connect to these servers and use them, all of these servers do not have internet connection and I can not install any packages on this servers from repo.
My Manjaro has internet connection.
How I can share my internet to these Linux Servers?

nmcli connection modify "Connection Name" ipv4.method shared

Thanks, what about Linux servers side? these servers are behind CiscoAnyConnect VPN

Well, you have to directly connect a network cable. You cannot share internet over CiscoAnyConnect.

I hear something like SSH port forward can solve this problem, but I do not know how.

If you don’t have direct access to the server (hell you don’t know how to use SSH), then I would expect that you try to manipulate or “hack” it, since you are not the administrator. This forum is not meant to support illegal interactions.

after connect to servers , we have access to servers and can SSH to them, right now I have SSH connections to all servers.

Let me say it that way: If it was configured without global internet access, then I expect there was a reason for that.

I want upgrade some of packages on these servers, because of some problem in next office they can not give internet to these servers.

Then download the packages, transfer it via SFTP or SCP and run the update on SSH SHELL.

Or use an SSH socks proxy. There are a lot of tutorials about that on the internet. Get familiar with that.

some of the packages has huge dependency.

I search around and can not find good guide about SSH socks proxy.