Warzone2100 hosting

To                         Action      From

2100/tcp ALLOW IN Anywhere
9990/tcp ALLOW IN Anywhere
2100/tcp (v6) ALLOW IN Anywhere (v6)
9990/tcp (v6) ALLOW IN Anywhere (v6)

ip addr

inet brd scope global dynamic noprefixroute wlan0


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Looks good to me. :man_shrugging:
Seems you only need to forward / open port 2100.

Maybe check if the setting for the lobby server is correct in the config file.

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In which folder is this file located? I can’t find it even with the locate command

Don’t know. I’m not playing that game.
The README says there is some config setting though.

When you are hosting a game it will automatically be listed on the lobby-server. If you do not want your games to be listed on the lobby-server, you have to change the entry "masterserver_name=lobby.wz2100.net" in your config to some- thing invalid as "nomasterserverplease"

So there must be some config file somewhere.
I’m sure the internet search-engine of your choice would be of some help… Or maybe seek some help on their forum. :man_shrugging:

From a networking standpoint, things look ok to me.

I searched and found this site but it doesn’t say where the file resides with this string Sophie: warzone2100-2.3.5-1mdv2010.0 i586

moreover even if I find the string I would not know what to do.

I also assumed that everything was ok with the internet part in the sense of open ports and stuff, but I would not know what to do to fix nor where to find that string.

Maybe if you have a command like grep to search for strings in files I can try to search the whole computer.

In any case there is no folder in home I found a .warzone2100 also in home.