WARNING: errors were encountered during the build. The image may not be complete

When updating the kernel during the mkinitcpio hook I always get this warning. How do I troubleshoot it?

==> Creating gzip-compressed initcpio image: '/boot/initramfs-5.15-x86_64.img'
==> WARNING: errors were encountered during the build. The image may not be complete.

Check your /boot partition if it’s maybe full.

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Context matters.
Look at the whole output - at least a few lines above the last two here presented.

It likely looks similar to this here:

Warning while updating initramfs-linux.img - #2 by pebcak - Bug report - EndeavourOS

where from the cause of the issue is apparent.

It could be that the output of pamac is not as verbose as that from pacman, so that this context simply isn’t shown.
I don’t know.
Try using pacman

The message is informational - and interely harmless.

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