Xfce4-dockbarx-plugin fails after system upgrade

A few days ago I upgraded the system and now dockbarx-plugin can’t start properly. It keeps trying to start on task manager but always get trapped in a loop…

Seeing as its an AUR package, and they often need to be rebuilt against updated system libraries et al … have you done that? Rebuilt it? Ex:

sudo pacman -Syu
paru -Sua xfce4-dockbarx-plugin --rebuild all

Ok, now I’m busy but I’ll try tomorrow

This is what happened:

~]$ paru -Sua xfce4-dockbarx-plugin --rebuild all
:: Looking for AUR upgrades…
:: Looking for devel upgrades…
:: Resolviendo dependencias…
error: no se pudieron encontrar todos los paquetes necesarios:
all (target)

Sorry, I included too many letters (to include AUR update, but not all deps are from AUR)

paru -S xfce4-dockbarx-plugin --rebuild all

Thanks cscs
During this 2 days I managed to configure panel icons to look better without using dockbarx :slightly_smiling_face:
I centered the whisker menu and the app shortcuts and forced the minimized windows to rest in the left corner. I also enabled the windows buttons properties to show only minimized windows.
Now the panel looks great! (I’m not allowed to upload any image to show you)
Thanks for your help!!!

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