VPN status in terminal

I used to have a blue icon next to the :white_check_mark: showing my VPN status (for NordVPN). It displayed the status and country code where it was connected to. For some reason, this has disappeared after last update. How do I get it back?

I would also already be greatly helped if someone could tell me the name of the plugin so I can start searching for fixes myself. If you can’t help but do have tips for me to diagnose my system, please let me know.

It is a p10k plugin: GitHub - romkatv/powerlevel10k: A Zsh theme

This howto could also be on interest to you: [HowTo] P10k, Powerline and zsh 101

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Thank you! Now I know where to start looking. I see that this has been an issue several times after NordVPN pushed an update, so I assume the issue is similar. Your post allowed me to post an issue about it. This really helped.

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This one isn’t as sophisticated. The icon is Blue when VPN is on and red when it is off.

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