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Having issues getting my cam corder to be visible for obs or cheese or anything! Nothing i do in terminal works??? Am I missing some code?

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Please take out the time to read the post quoted below… :arrow_down:

Try it Manjaro Packages v4l2loopback-dkms 1.5-3

WYFY or Wi-Fi? :thinking:

I am a bit of a nub! Been using Manjaro for about 2 years and playing with linux for 5! I decided to try and hook up my Samsung Galaxy s20 to the Android web app! No luck there! And i also tried to hook up my Panasonic Cam Corder to the software for video as well! I know i am a bit of an idiot when it comes to this stuff! But i can learn and i am not afraid of the terminal! Droid cam tells me if i am on Wi Fi that it can not find my camera! If it is set up on a USB cable to tells me i have no video or sound! I made sure in the Terminal and the Software manager i had the right stuff installed and i do! But i am also sure i am missing some code i should have! Maybe it will be easier if i just purchase a web cam! I thought Android would be just a snap to get the phone to work through its video camera! But no! It may be something with the AUR and Manjaro! Cheese wont recognize anything either! Maybe i should just concentrate on the Phone and get it working! Any tips!