/var/logs y tail

Hola buenas, estoy intentando encontrar carpetas de software instalado como clamAV y httpd que si las veo en logs. Me gustaría saber por que no se ve por ej auth.log, ufw … y otros que tengo que ver para instala. Yo pensaba que se iban icorporando al mismo tiempo de instalrse. Es posible que no se añadan todos… o se pueden mostrar en otros sitios.

El tema es para poder comprobar con tail el movimiento de los programas y conexiones en tiempo real.


What is your actual problem? :wink:

¿Cuál es tu problema real?

(I used google translate …)

Hello, for example I have vsftpd installed and I don’t see it in the log folder, nor ufw, or the auth.log file.
to be able to see from tail in real time the information of movement of the data or connections.

that is not what log files are for

logs log status, time, usage, users perhaps

is the directory you could look at to find application specific logs

or journalctl commands …

Yeah that’s exactly what I do though…


what is it that you want to do
but - apparently -
cannot do?

I want to see the folders or (Directory) like the others that I see in the log, for example: httpd(apache), Clamav, in var/log…
However vsftpd from ftp I don’t see it, neither ufw and they are installed. There I couldn’t tail ufw to see the connections coming in or going out. Or if I send or receive a file or something from the ftp (vsftpd) in this case that is the one I have installed.
I want to be in control of the data that moves on the network connections and of my data. I hope you understand it better this way.

I think I do.

But I also think you are not looking in the right places.

Or you miss some configuration option
that would need to be set/active
that would enable these kind of log entries.

What would you expect from,
for example,
or from ufw …

and where are you looking for info on it?



what you want to see / know
might not be what is logged with the default configuration
of each service

you might need to adapt/change it

An example I open telnet port 80, (apache).
I have a get /index.html, which I want to see if that information has been made, how and with what… In this case, with Apache I can see it because I have it. With vsftpd I could see it without having to view from vsftpd, by putting eg telnet port 21. If I enter httpd in log, would I see the information of a file transfer from the FTP?. from eg sudo tail -f httpd/access.log?.

If it can be done like this with eg ssh , sshd, etc without the need to use its folder such as clamav and an analysis > with file.txt seeing the search in real time from another terminal.

Perhaps also as I am like who says learning linux, perhaps I do not know how to explain it so that it is understood. But I try to give forms of ideas so that they understand me.

Thank you very much for your help and patience.

and so on

This just does not work like you think it does.

I am sorry
and kind of surprised at the same time
to have to tell you that.

I do not have resources ready to link to
but I do know that the Arch wiki
(or any internet source confronted with a specific question)
will be helpful.

You are asking the logs to provide information
which they can only have when they are so configured.

The info you want is perhaps more easily obtained with certain dedicated software.

It’s not something that usually gets written to standard system logs, it appears.

You want to solve a problem
which is (likely) not solvable
with the
approach you are asking about here.

no entiendo tampoco pero por si te ayuda (referente a vsftpd)


No todos los programas ponen logs en /var/log. Pueden ponerlos en otros sitios, o utilizan el log del sistema.

ok no importa debe de ser muy complicado mi pregunta.


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