Using Steadyflow download manager

I’m new to Manjaro Gnome. I installed Steadyflow from the Repository and put it on the tool bar. When I click on it, I just get the spinning wheel. Am I using it wrong? Can’t find instructions for it.

Thanks for suggestions, Kay-Dee

I don’t know, I’m on KDE, I installed it from Pamac, I started it, an icon appeared in the “systray”, I click on it, and it opens the program.

What did you “put on the toolbar” and how?

I just installed steadyflow on my Plasma system & it failed to launch too. Running it from a terminal, I was presented with the following error:

(steadyflow:1807148): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 07:41:41.338: gtk_widget_get_scale_factor: assertion ‘GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)’ failed

However, when I tried to run it again, the terminal said:

Another instance of Steadyflow is already running.

So it is launching, but not creating a window.

Try running it from a terminal to see if it produces the same or any other error - that may help with working out where the problem lies. If you need to kill the existing Steadyflow background process first, run the command:

pkill -f steadyflow.

Also, some system info would be useful (inxi -Fazy); maybe it is related to the display server you are using (Wayland or X11).

Hi omano. When I downloaded from the Repository, Steadyflow showed up in Show Apps which is what I would expect. I couldn’t open it from there, then pinned it to the Dock. Trying to open the program from either results in the spinning wheel.

Thanks for taking the time to help.

Hey scotty 65. Yeah. Not creating a window. That’s exactly what I’m experiencing. Okay, newbie here: what is the command for launching Steadyflow from the terminal.

Much thanks you guys… Kay-Dee


I’m on X11, not Wayland.

I was just able to open it in a Plasma X11 session so, as GNOME defaults to Wayland, I think we can probably assume that Steadyflow is not Wayland-compatible (yet).

Thanks again… Using the Terminal to open Steadyflow, I get the same response as above. I tried installing uGet, then Persepolis and neither of those work. Nor did Extreme Download Manager, which I’ve used in the past without issue, but that was on a different operating system. Any suggestions as to a download manager that will work on Manjaro Gnome (Wayland?)… I use the Brave and Liberwolf browsers, if that matters at all.

Thanks again, Kay-Dee

Maybe just switch to X11 and be done with all the incompatibilities with Wayland?

Yeah. But how?

I just successfully installed & opened in Wayland varia (it is in the AUR).

The application’s user interface is built using GTK 4 and libadwaita, meaning Varia looks perfectly in-keeping with other modern GTK apps run on Linux:

Package Details: varia 2024.5.7-1 - AUR

There is a Firefox add-on available too (I didn’t check for Chrome-based browsers):

You can build Varia via the Pamac GUI or by running the command pamac build varia (DO NOT use sudo for that command)

Advice on using the AUR: Please note that it is unsupported and there are risks, especially if you use it while on Manjaro’s Stable branch (which is not as close to Arch as Testing & Unstable branches):

If you don’t feel comfortable using the AUR, then @omano’s advice to switch to X11 may be more useful to you (you should be able to choose the session type via your login screen - I don’t use GNOME, so I’m not entirely sure where that option is. If GNOME uses SDDM, it should be at the bottom left of the screen).

Okay… Got Varia from AUR and it downloaded something named index.html but can’t run the file. I get GStreamer is missing plug-in: text/htm decoder. I tried to open with VLC, Glide and Clapper. Are we making progress???

With thanks, kay-dee

No you’re not, there is one solution, don’t use Wayland, all applications will work, then chose the application you want.

no idea what you did or how.

I did:

pamac build varia
(this is the equivalent of selecting it in the GUI package manager - AUR support is needed)
yay -S varia

It downloads all the necessary stuff, builds aria2p and then varia, installs it and it works.

I only have a Gnome virtual machine, so: no wayland, but x11 only

Thanks omano. I tried GNOME Classic on Xorg and GNOME on Xorg. Still can’t download video.


You never said what you want to download. You can’t just use any download manager to download videos.
For some, it’s easier (YouTube, Vimeo) but others are impossible (Disney, Netflix, or any other drm-protected). What do you want to download?

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You downloaded a webpage.

or where from - that might be important

For YouTube, Clipgrab works well.
I also have used the Firefox extension VideoDownloadHelper in the past - it supports many different platforms, they say.

Ok I thought you downloaded an index.html file instead of Varia… hence the insistence you don’t go the AUR route if you can’t follow instructions in WIKI. From others comments and your reply now I think you actually successfully installed Varia but downloaded a web page with Varia.
Anyway my comments still stand, to avoid other incompatibilities with Wayland.

Please make it clear in your replies what actions you take, what you do, ho you do it, give the most details possible to make yourself clearly understood to others.

//EDIT: for most videos I would actually use yt-dlp from terminal, but yeah, without the context of what the end goal is, all our suggestions could just be useless.

Thank you for the input, Nachlese. I re-installed Varia using “pamac build varia” but the results were the same: GStreamer is missing plug-in: text/htm decoder.

I appreciate your efforts, kay-dee