Using drafts in the forum

I started writing a post and saved it as a draft because I needed to investigate more before posting. My investigations led to more questions that I wanted to ask in the forum before finishing my initial post, but it seems to be no way to write a new post until the first draft is either posted or discarded.

Is “only one draft at a time” the intended way for for this to work?

Yes, you can only have one draft per thread.

“One draft per thread” sounds like it should be possible to create multiple threads. Though in practicality it seems to mean “only one topic at a time”…

Are you calling “drafts” the “posts you start to write” in multiple threads at same time?

I started “draft one” in the support section of the forum. That’s the same place where I’d go to start “draft two”, but can’t. Starting a reply in an existing thread and saving the draft for later works fine regardless.

Multiple drafts can be saved for multiple replies in different topics.
No draft for New Topic. You can only minimize it to compose bar. Once you post it you can edit the topic content, but if you discard it, then the content is lost. It was always that way for all members.

You could navigate to your user message board

Click the New Message button → go from there.

add subject → add content → then close → then you will be asked if you want to safe the draft - they will be available at
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