USB tethering and BOOTP connection

Hi, Fairly new to Linux. I have a BootP UDP connection always open. Is this something that’s necessary when tethered to a mobile phone for my internet access?

I have just blocked it using Opensnitch firewall, so Port 67, and am able to browse the web fine. Can I disable it and if so how?
Thanks in advance.

I see that bootp is an AUR package, so it wouldn’t have been installed automatically as part of your installation. I assume you must have installed it yourself for some reason, so probably the easiest thing to do would be to uninstall it. Unless you had some particular reason to want it.

perhaps only until your DHCP lease times out and it needs to be renewed

you shall see soon enough

look at how DHCP works, how your computer gets an IP address from the router

I’ve not installed it consciously so am not sure how it’s on my system. Pacman shows that the AUR package has not bee installed.

To be honest I installed Debian yesterday and had the same issue, also just checked my kubuntu install and again same thing. I don’t think this is isolated to Manjaro. I am tethered to an Android mobile phone if that makes any difference.

it’s not an issue, it’s DHCP - from what I gleaned when I looked up what that port and protocol are for

Perhaps installed as a dependency for another AUR package you installed?

bootp is bootstrap protocol while dhcp is dynamic host configuration protocol.

How you got around this I don’t know - what I do know is

  • you must have configured something network related
  • what that is I have no idea
  • but you should now
  • you are the system administrator.
  • it could be the android device has provided the settings, I haven’t checked that