Upgrade Possible?

It is possible to upgrade to a new Manjaro Gnome Version from Manjaro Nibia

will change to the unstable package
sudo pacman-mirrors -a -B unstable

sudo pacman -Scc
sudo pacman-mirrors -f5
sudo pacman -Syyu

if you want to undo and use the stable repositories do

will change to stable package
sudo pacman-mirrors -a -B stable

sudo pacman -Scc
sudo pacman-mirrors -f5
sudo pacman -Syyu

Manjaro is a rolling-release distribution. If you have kept your system updated until now, then simply running… :arrow_down:

sudo pacman -Syu

… will upgrade you to the latest release, i.e. 21.0 Ornara.

Do not blind yourself by staring at the releases of the install media. They are only snapshots.


In other words: as long as you keep updating your rolling-release distribution, you are always at the latest version.

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I’m currently running 21 RC1. You mean I can just continue to use it, even though it has bugs and stuff, and update it later without the need to download the new ISO?

There is no such thing as 21 RC. The release candidates are for the install images only and have nothing to do with the stability of the software. An install image is only a snapshot, and the software is stable, but the image is a release candidate because its contents may still change before the final release of the image.

The installed system, when kept updated, is stable and at the latest release.

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