I’m fairly new to KDE Plasma, and just starting to get used to finding my way around.
But I’ve noticed when setting themes (Plasma or Global), that when Dolphin is open, there is a thin coloured boundary line surrounding the file/folders part of the window area, corresponding to the colour for that particular theme.It varies in thickness according to the theme being used, (eg see’Sweet’ theme below). With ‘Breeze’ the border is blue but not so pronounced as with other themes.
Is there a straightforward way of removing this window boundary line?
This is really theme-dependent. Non-kvantum themes (such as Breeze) are “flat” — they don’t have any 3D elements or translucency — and so a line is drawn to simulate depth.
kvantum themes are different — they are SVG-based. You have to have the Kvantum Manager installed, and then you can load a kvantum theme in the manager and set the application style to kvantum.
I’m using a kvantum theme and I don’t have such a line.
One of the reasons we love Plasma is that it has many options, many of which I am sure I am STILL not aware of after using it for nearly 6 years.
Anyway, part of the difficulty is in the language - what is that line called?
Application Style.
I am using Klassy - it offers compatibility with colour schemes, and very extensive customisation options (e.g. the ‘traffic light’ max-min window widgets).
Entering the ‘Application Style’ settings module, you’ll see a pencil where you can adjust settings for your selected theme.
As you can see, ‘Frame’ options are turned off, which is why I don’t see those lines.
You can launch from KRunner or menu ‘Application Style’.
Something else worth looking at (and you can make a copy/duplicate of your colour scheme for this experiment) is that you can use Accent colours from the wallpaper.
This is why my screenshot shows a subtle green tint (currently the wallpaper is bright green) which might prove less offensive to the eye
Yes, you are right. I see it is a choice of Application Style theme (with all the other original Plasma theme elements in place) that decides whether one sees that coloured border line or not. So just a question of experimenting there really. I’m not sure Kvantum, as has been suggested is strictly necessary in this case. But then I don’t know the first thing about Kvantum.