[Unstable Update] 2023-04-14 - Kernels, Deepin, Qt5/6, KDE Frameworks 5.105.0,

It was released after this post was created. Are you new here? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


@phil just rebuilt them. linux63-virtualbox-host-modules 7.0.8-1 are now available.

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It’s ok now, with the rebuild.

No bootsplash?

Do you mean Linux 6.3 initramfs does not show plymouth boot screen?

No, I use the Bootsplash provided by Manjaro:

I use it too, that should work fine on Linux 6.2 and 6.1.

Do you mean that you lost it after switching to Linux 6.3?

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When I boot kernel 6.3.0-1, there is a kernel warning:

memfd_create() without MFD_EXEC nor MFD_NOEXEC_SEAL, pid=1 'systemd'

Is this good or bad?

yes, kernel 6.2 and 6.1 appears the bootsplash, but 6.3 not.

I see this in my journal too.

Can you show what is the output on Kernel 6.3?

$ zgrep CONFIG_BOOTSPLASH /proc/config.gz

$ zgrep CONFIG_BOOTSPLASH /proc/config.gz

output of Kernel 6.3…0-1

zgrep CONFIG_BOOTSPLASH /proc/config.gz
Output of Kernel 6.3
output on Kernel 6.2.12-1

zgrep CONFIG_BOOTSPLASH /proc/config.gz

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It looks like Manjaro forgot to enable this option.


That config is publicly available:

I see, this was a plan to completely disable/remove Manjaro’s bootsplash for kernel 6.3.

Yes, we plan to drop an unmaintained feature that currently requires 16 patches to work.

Actually, that sounds like a great idea! :bulb:

No, not really. It just wasn’t re-enabled for the stable kernel. Often patches are temporarily skipped for building RC kernels.


I prefer the Bootsplash over Plymouth boot screen, but what I often did is press the ESC key to see whats going on on boot.

Plymouth can do, but it starts a bit slower than Bootsplash.

Plymouth has more advantages over Bootsplash:

  • Support encryption with LUKS in boot theme.
  • More custom themes.
  • Load a vendor logo from BIOS.

And last but not least it’s a maintained and healthy project.

I like the bootsplash-manjaro-elegant, can I use it in Plymouth?
Yes, I think I found some themes for manjaro, I will try them with Plymouth.

bootsplah have 5 years with no maintenance

  • I leave boot without a bootsplah or plymouth. ::