[Unstable Update] 2023-02-17 - Plasma 5.27 LTS, GNOME, Python

Kernel 5.15, 6.1 or 6.2 forces my PC (full AMD system) to shut down after waking up from sleep/suspend because the temperature is critical, but it is not true.

$ journalctl --no-pager -p 3 -b -1 --output=cat
thermal thermal_zone1: acpitz: critical temperature reached, shutting down
reboot: HARDWARE PROTECTION shutdown (Temperature too high)
reboot: Hardware protection timed-out. Trying forced poweroff

But I checked the temperature is actually not high. My guess is that the Kernel has this bug.

Can you confirm if you have the same problem when using AMD CPU and Kernel 6.1 or 6.2?


My trick is to use kernel parameter thermal.crt=-1 to disable critical thermal. (But not recommend)