[Unstable Update] 2021-01-17 - Kernels, Powerline-Go, Mutter, Python

Hello community,

Another unstable branch update with some usual updates for you.

Don’t miss out on the Lomiri action currently going on! #stayhome, #staysafe, #stayhealthy

  • Most Kernels got updated
  • we added powerline-go
  • Mutter got more patches to scale properly in X11
  • Other regular upstream updates

If you like following latest Plasma development you may also like to check out our current version of manjaro-kde-dev, which we build on a regular basis against kde-git master packages. Also check out our latest Manjaro Ornara 21.0 preview release! KDE, XFCE and Gnome

Our current supported kernels

  • linux44 4.4.252
  • linux49 4.9.252
  • linux414 4.14.216
  • linux419 4.19.168
  • linux54 5.4.90
  • linux59 5.9.16 [EOL]
  • linux510 5.10.8
  • linux511 5.11-rc3
  • linux54-rt 5.4.84_rt47
  • linux59-rt 5.9.1_rt19

Packages Changes (Sun Jan 17 21:09:50 CET 2021)

:: Different overlay package(s) in repository community x86_64

                             PACKAGE              testing             unstable
                        auto-cpufreq 1.5.1.r187.070103d-1  1.5.2.r1.gc5e0255-1
                               cpu-x 4.1.0.r14.g7805eb0-1 4.1.0.r15.ga1f0441-1
                  hw-probe 1.6+beta.51.gf79e37b741-1 1.6+beta.52.g4819e973eb-1
                        powerline-go                    -             1.20.0-2

:: Different sync package(s) in repository community x86_64

                             PACKAGE              testing             unstable
                         baidupcs-go              3.7.0-1              3.7.1-1
                               blosc             1.20.1-1             1.21.0-1
                               bower              1.8.9-1             1.8.10-1
                                deno              1.6.1-1              1.6.2-1
                      ibus-libpinyin             1.11.1-6             1.12.0-1
                                 nbd               3.20-2               3.21-1
                   python-aresponses              2.1.0-1              2.1.1-1
                        python-blosc              1.9.2-3             1.10.1-1
                       python-celery              5.0.3-1              5.0.4-1
                   python-deprecated             1.2.10-3             1.2.11-1
                     python-envisage              4.9.0-3              4.9.2-1
                    python-fonttools             4.16.1-3             4.18.2-1
                          python-h11             0.11.0-1             0.12.0-1
                     python-identify             1.5.12-1             1.5.13-1
                       python-joblib             0.16.0-3              1.0.0-1
                      python-numexpr              2.7.1-3              2.7.2-1
                      python-pkginfo              1.6.1-3              1.7.0-1
                    python-rapidjson              0.9.4-1                1.0-1
                 python-scikit-learn             0.23.2-3             0.24.0-1
                       python-traits              6.0.0-3              6.1.1-1
                         python-xlrd              1.2.0-4              2.0.1-1
                   python-xlsxwriter              1.3.6-2              1.3.7-1
                         qbittorrent              4.3.1-1              4.3.2-1
                     qbittorrent-nox              4.3.1-1              4.3.2-1
                   ttf-sarasa-gothic             0.16.5-1             0.17.0-1
                       unicode-emoji               13.0-2               13.1-1
         v2ray-domain-list-community     20210115121134-1     20210117105739-1
                          wine-gecko             2.47.1-1             2.47.2-1
                         fcitx5-nord                    -

:: Different overlay package(s) in repository core x86_64

                             PACKAGE              testing             unstable
                            linux414           4.14.215-1           4.14.216-1
                    linux414-headers           4.14.215-1           4.14.216-1
                            linux419           4.19.167-1           4.19.168-1
                    linux419-headers           4.19.167-1           4.19.168-1
                             linux44            4.4.251-1            4.4.252-1
                     linux44-headers            4.4.251-1            4.4.252-1
                             linux49            4.9.251-1            4.9.252-1
                     linux49-headers            4.9.251-1            4.9.252-1
                            linux510             5.10.7-3             5.10.8-1
                    linux510-headers             5.10.7-3             5.10.8-1
                             linux54             5.4.89-1             5.4.90-1
                     linux54-headers             5.4.89-1             5.4.90-1

:: Different overlay package(s) in repository extra x86_64

                             PACKAGE              testing             unstable
                  linux414-acpi_call            1.1.0-187            1.1.0-188
                   linux414-bbswitch              0.8-187              0.8-188
                linux414-ndiswrapper              1.63-37              1.63-38
               linux414-nvidia-390xx            390.141-3            390.141-4
                     linux414-nvidia          460.32.03-3          460.32.03-4
                   linux414-nvidiabl             0.88-187             0.88-188
                      linux414-r8168          8.048.03-34          8.048.03-35
                   linux414-tp_smapi              0.43-79              0.43-80
                linux414-vhba-module          20200106-50          20200106-51
    linux414-virtualbox-host-modules            6.1.16-13            6.1.16-14
                        linux414-zfs              2.0.1-3              2.0.1-4
                  linux419-acpi_call            1.1.0-158            1.1.0-159
                   linux419-bbswitch              0.8-158              0.8-159
                linux419-ndiswrapper              1.63-48              1.63-49
               linux419-nvidia-390xx            390.141-3            390.141-4
                     linux419-nvidia          460.32.03-3          460.32.03-4
                   linux419-nvidiabl             0.88-157             0.88-158
                      linux419-r8168          8.048.03-44          8.048.03-45
                  linux419-rtl8723bu           20201124-7           20201124-8
                   linux419-tp_smapi             0.43-107             0.43-108
                linux419-vhba-module          20200106-72          20200106-73
   linux419-virtualbox-guest-modules            6.1.16-15            6.1.16-16
    linux419-virtualbox-host-modules            6.1.16-15            6.1.16-16
                        linux419-zfs              2.0.1-3              2.0.1-4
                   linux44-acpi_call            1.1.0-182            1.1.0-183
                    linux44-bbswitch              0.8-182              0.8-183
                 linux44-ndiswrapper              1.63-30              1.63-31
                linux44-nvidia-390xx            390.141-3            390.141-4
                      linux44-nvidia          460.32.03-3          460.32.03-4
                    linux44-nvidiabl             0.88-182             0.88-183
                       linux44-r8168          8.048.03-27          8.048.03-28
                    linux44-tp_smapi              0.43-61              0.43-62
                 linux44-vhba-module          20200106-43          20200106-44
     linux44-virtualbox-host-modules            6.1.16-11            6.1.16-12
                         linux44-zfs              2.0.1-3              2.0.1-4
                   linux49-acpi_call            1.1.0-196            1.1.0-197
                    linux49-bbswitch              0.8-196              0.8-197
                 linux49-ndiswrapper              1.63-30              1.63-31
                linux49-nvidia-390xx            390.141-3            390.141-4
                      linux49-nvidia          460.32.03-3          460.32.03-4
                    linux49-nvidiabl             0.88-196             0.88-197
                       linux49-r8168          8.048.03-27          8.048.03-28
                    linux49-tp_smapi              0.43-64              0.43-65
                 linux49-vhba-module          20200106-43          20200106-44
     linux49-virtualbox-host-modules            6.1.16-11            6.1.16-12
                         linux49-zfs              2.0.1-3              2.0.1-4
                  linux510-acpi_call             1.1.0-19             1.1.0-20
                   linux510-bbswitch               0.8-19               0.8-20
               linux510-nvidia-390xx            390.141-6            390.141-7
                     linux510-nvidia          460.32.03-6          460.32.03-7
                      linux510-r8168          8.048.03-19          8.048.03-20
                  linux510-rtl8723bu          20201124-19          20201124-20
                   linux510-tp_smapi              0.43-19              0.43-20
                linux510-vhba-module          20200106-19          20200106-20
   linux510-virtualbox-guest-modules            6.1.16-19            6.1.16-20
    linux510-virtualbox-host-modules            6.1.16-19            6.1.16-20
                        linux510-zfs              2.0.1-6              2.0.1-7
                   linux54-acpi_call             1.1.0-97             1.1.0-98
                    linux54-bbswitch               0.8-97               0.8-98
                 linux54-ndiswrapper              1.63-53              1.63-54
                linux54-nvidia-390xx            390.141-3            390.141-4
                      linux54-nvidia          460.32.03-3          460.32.03-4
                    linux54-nvidiabl              0.88-97              0.88-98
                       linux54-r8168          8.048.03-49          8.048.03-50
                   linux54-rtl8723bu           20201124-9          20201124-10
                    linux54-tp_smapi              0.43-97              0.43-98
                 linux54-vhba-module          20200106-82          20200106-83
    linux54-virtualbox-guest-modules            6.1.16-17            6.1.16-18
     linux54-virtualbox-host-modules            6.1.16-17            6.1.16-18
                         linux54-zfs              2.0.1-3              2.0.1-4
                 manjaro-chrootbuild      r169.ge69504d-1      r172.g4f72085-1
                  mutter-x11-scaling 3.38.2+7+gfbb9a34f2-1            3.38.3-1

:: Different sync package(s) in repository extra x86_64

                             PACKAGE              testing             unstable
                               gsasl              1.8.1-2             1.10.0-1
                                ibus 1.5.23+3+gaa558de8-2 1.5.23+3+gaa558de8-3
                         libblockdev               2.24-3               2.25-1
                         libbytesize                2.4-3                2.4-4
                             libibus 1.5.23+3+gaa558de8-2 1.5.23+3+gaa558de8-3
                libtorrent-rasterbar           1:1.2.10-7           1:1.2.11-1
                    python-hyperlink             20.0.1-3             21.0.0-1
                      python-urllib3             1.26.1-1             1.26.2-1
                  python-urllib3-doc             1.26.1-1             1.26.2-1
                   python2-hyperlink             20.0.1-3             21.0.0-1
                     python2-urllib3             1.26.1-1             1.26.2-1

:: Different sync package(s) in repository multilib x86_64

                             PACKAGE              testing             unstable
                      lib32-fakeroot             1.25.3-1             1.25.3-2
  • No issue, everything went smoothly
  • Yes there was an issue. I was able to resolve it myself.(Please post your solution)
  • Yes i am currently experiencing an issue due to the update. (Please post about it)

0 voters

Check if your mirror has already synced:


Hehe, @nightmare-2021 is always faster than Arch with the kernels. :racing_car: :star_struck:


Manjaro kernel is not based on Arch kernel?

Nope, Manjaro does not use Arch kernel packages. They build / package their own version.


manjaro-zsh-config-0.20-3 now available in unstable

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community/manjaro-zsh-config 0.20-3 at least removed the

warning: directory permissions differ on /root/
filesystem: 750  package: 755

warning after its installation, which previously appears after 0.20-2 installation.

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Mess of kernel versions naming during every RC-stage of the brand new kernel of 5.X-family.

Now I have the 5.11.rc4.d0117.g19c329f-2 kernel version running.

$ uname -r

Then a 5.11.rc5. ... -1 will be released and I will upgrade to it, then it will report the lower version of

$ uname -r

which looks like downgrade.

How representative to use the usual utility uname -r reports having cropped version naming for each RC kernel as

and on the next RC iteration it cycles again to

and then again “new RC body but named as the same version or even as downgraded” mess in RC-stage cycles?

Could Manjaro version naming during RC-stage to be somehow ordered making uname -r output to be representative instead of 2 months the same 5.11.0-1 or even looks like downgrade?
Is it a laborious fix?

It’s only an issue from the perspective of a user grepping uname -r information on a daily basis. During an upgrade, pacman (pamac) won’t complain of downgrade, because rc5 is higher than rc4 anyway.
However, I kinda like the idea of having a special versioning scheme for RC kernels with pkgrel incrementing every time a new build is out (despite the version of RC itself).

@philm, @all_in_unstable_branch
Look at the last topic of stable update and count the errors during a 48 hours after release…
Probably here in unstable and testing branches we have low variation count of different hardware and release date of it. May be we have not wide profile of usage of the OS and packages also.

Possible cut off the bugs:
Before stable-staging branch update or at least stable branch update could all the packages or at least updating packages be somehow tested in a sandbox for example for execution without errors (and may be warnings also?) during first 5-10 seconds of it’s run? A sandbox which executes every updated package in series one-by-one to check it’s output for errors/warnings during first 5-10 seconds of it’s run. So some critical errors could be cropped out.

Pls review addition of @all_in_unstable_branch or similar tag.

kernel 5.10.9 is up

1 Like

May be main problem with stable is, that it is collection of several testing and unstable updates and this lead to bigger updates which is more prone to problems with conflicts, also many more people are in stable than in testing and unstable due to lack of experience or time to tweak things, they just want working system out of the box.

Is kernel 5.10 stable enough? Not so long ago it was plagued with bugs that I haven’t seen on any kernel versions for years.
What I’m personally interested in is: are muliple-monitor setups finally fixed in 5.10 modules? 5.9 is EOL and I’m not sure if 5.10 is even usable.

I hadn’t any problems with kernel 5.10.
Two Monitors with different resolution.
Old Intel onboard HD graphic.
Are you sure your problems depends to kernel?
Not Mesa, etc… ?

With today’s grub update (2.04-14), cannot sudo update-grub. I get the following error:

/usr/bin/grub-probe: error while loading shared libraries: libzfs.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Downgrading to 2.04-13 just to be safe.


me too:

( 7/12) Updating Grub-Bootmenu
/usr/bin/grub-probe: error while loading shared libraries: libzfs.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
error: command failed to execute correctly
( 8/12) Updating icon theme caches...
( 9/12) Restore Linux kernel modules

How you did downgrade?

$ sudo downgrade grub
Available packages:

+  1)  grub     2.04  14  x86_64  (local)
   2)  grub  2  2.04   1  x86_64  (remote)
   3)  grub  2  2.04   2  x86_64  (remote)
   4)  grub  2  2.04   3  x86_64  (remote)
   5)  grub  2  2.04   4  x86_64  (remote)
   6)  grub  2  2.04   5  x86_64  (remote)
   7)  grub  2  2.04   6  x86_64  (remote)
   8)  grub  2  2.04   7  x86_64  (remote)
   9)  grub  2  2.04   8  x86_64  (remote)

select a package by number: 

I just went to my package cache and re-installed the previous version.


Something strange here, grub-vanilla is dependent of zfs-utils not grub, but if you install zfs-utils you have libzfs.so.4, and you can do a update-grub with grub-2.04-14

Yeah (me too on the grub/zfs), I did not have zfs-utils installed. I also had/have plain grub installed only. Grub appears to have been rebuilt with zfs libs required. I’m waiting for a rebuild :slight_smile:

1 Like

My cache folder is about 6 GiB, and it is free of the 13th build.

Downgraded using the package from stable branch via direct web link:

sudo pacman -U https://manjaro.mirrors.lavatech.top/stable/core/x86_64/grub-2.04-13-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst

14th build was removed from the update server Index of /unstable/core/x86_64/
old 13th is available only, so full update (pacman -Syu) from the server is available again w/o update to that unsuccessful 14th version.

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