Any reason to get Wayland working? (Vs Xorg)

I’m currently using the Xorg option, mainly because using the (GNOME, which I presume is Wayland?) option ruins everything that runs through WINE. So far as I can tell there is no difference, but from what I’ve read Wayland is trying to package things more efficiently, is there a noticeable benefit, worth me trying to figure out how to get WINE and Wayland to play nice, or is it really inconsequential for the most part and I should stick to running with Xorg?

Appreciate any info, cheers.

for wine stick with xorg.

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Xorg is pretty much established, in the sense that it will not have any further development, just fixes.

Wayland is how the future of Xorg is expected to look like by trying to fix the fundamental flaws of Xorg that roots too deep to be fixed in Xorg itself. In its current state, it’s not much better than Xorg, but what’s important is how it will be in the future. Performance wise, both are evenly matched in most cases. That puts the advantage to Wayland as it still has a long development breath ahead that might outperform Xorg someday. Wayland also has XWayland which is an X server running as a Wayland client, this aids in porting and maintains compatibility with existing Xorg apps.

As for how both are versused architecturally, Wayland has its own article I don’t have to re-explain.

One thing that Xorg still has an advantage is that it is network aware. You can send Windows to another computer on the network, have multiple screens with remote login and such, etc. Wayland delegates this to the client instead.