Unlocking KDEVault starts LibreOffice

This might be one of the strangest bugs I ever had. I’ve been using KDEs Vaults feature for quite some time now, to encrypt some important documents. But since a few weeks ago, everytime I unlock a vault LibreOffice starts and I have no idea why. It doesn’t do much, just showing the welcome screen where I could select a document to open. Besides from that the vault unlocks just fine and is mounted. However it does not open a file browser automatically.

Any idea what is going on there?

Sounds to me like it should open a file browser?
Perhapts the default action for directories got changed, it should be set like this:

$ xdg-mime query default inode/directory

If it doesn’t look like this on a plasma system you can (re)set it:

$ xdg-mime default org.kde.dolphin.desktop inode/directory
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Thank you, yes - that solved the problem!

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