Uninstalling an app from manjaro partition broke both its own wifi and another partitions!

Hi, I’m pretty desperate here. Here are the details

Ran a large system upgrade today, the 21st of march. 270ish packages. Was away from computer for a half week. npm/js node bullshit prevented this upgrade, so I removed them and upgraded. No issues.


I then removed some crypto mining software from computer, which had required the npm/node js. No problems yet.

I remembered that I had downloaded keybase (an encryption chat gui) and that it ran on start up, so I checked how to delete it and disable the daemon.


systemctl disable --user keybase

All okay thus far…

Found keybase in the manjaro package manager gui and removed it there. Woulda just used terminal with pacman/yay, but couldn’t locate keybase anywhere. I had built it prior using aur or source or something, I don’t remember.

10 seconds after removing it via gui, internet connection is suddenly gone. No connections to be found anywhere. Checked networkmanager in its various forms (nmtui, nmcli etc), connections are gone. Computer is slow as hell for a minute or so when even clicking the plasma nm-applet.

ip link

1: lo:…



Say screw it, reboot into grub, then main arch partition (dual boot). Internet is also broken in this partition…

The internet has broken in 2 seperate partitions on a dual boot ssd. My computer has been rendered useless.

I don’t know where to find the broken link in the chain, please help.

Haven’t ran timeshift from before big update as I want to diagnose beforehand.

Will be sleeping soon, respond in the morning. Thank you for reading this wall of text.

That is coincidental.

It is difficult to say - but still a coincidence - maintenance tasks in one system does not affect the other.

Please check the /var/log/pacman.log to see what actually happened during that cleanup. You may have missed a dependency somewhere which has caused pamac to remove more than you expected.

Crypto miners whether you installed it on purpose or it is a PUA can be very difficult to remove - and the removal of them may have be the cause of your network issues.

If both your instances Arch and Manjaro was up-to-date then it may be a regression with the kernel - but it is impossible to say.

Thanks for the reply. Internet is back up. I just booted after leaving it overnight, and all seems well. Very strange…