Unable to use Manjaro after installation with manual partitioning

I will try add this flag! If it works, I’ll let you know

There’s an issue with calamares in 20.02. Made me a / and /home btrfs partitions, along with /boot, set all flags correctly, but after the installer wiped the drive i got an error message with zero useful info to investigate and some tmp files in /, which i could not erase in the same session and had to reboot.

In the end i was able to move forward with the installation with everything slapped onto a single btrfs partition. Hope this works out fine.

So - yeah, seems the installer may be at fault here.

That doesn’t worked!

Did you create the /dev/sda1 partition with partition type EF00 ?
Because that partition needs to be that type to be recognized as the EFI system partition :wink:

Can you be more specific about where you expect this boot entry to show up?
(eg. In the BIOS boot menu, The Grub menu, Some other bootloader’s menu, The installer, etc)

The /dev/sda1 partition is recognized as an EFI System Partition, but after install when reboot my computer. There’s no boot entry in BIOS Boot Menu and when i try to start manjaro from the grub menu from usb stick, theres an error saying “Entry not found”

There should be no issue with the partition setup from OP.

This should boot as expected.

If you have issues with this it - could be - without knowing for sure an issue with Calamares installer although this is as mature as it gets for installers - I mean years of polishing.

There is really nothing indicating what is off for your use case.

The boot flag (0xEF00) is done when you select the boot flag for the partition.

The only thing I would do extra is flagging the root partition as root (0x8304) the swap as (0x8200) and /home as (0x8302) using the appropriate flags but other than that - which is really only - sort of - cosmetic - there is nothing I would have done different.

  1. Can you check for the partition code using sudo gdisk -l /dev/sda ?
  2. What is the output of efibootmgr -v?

Partition code and boot flags are different things…

I checked the efibootmgr and calamares created a boot entry, but this entry is invalid, then i can not get into it

Please use a Live media of manjaro to perform those commands because you obviously can not boot into the installed version :wink:

No it is not - at least not with EFI - the Calamares boot flag is setting the partition type to 0xEF00

Now that may not be the active boot element from EFI perspective but that is later set by efibootmgr and when you boot whatever you choose to boot from - from the EFI perspective - is set as the active boot entry - designated by the * when listing boot entries using efibootmgr on a command line.

(Sorry the last sentence is rubbish)

From my system

➜  ~ efibootmgr    
BootCurrent: 0000
Timeout: 1 seconds
BootOrder: 0000,001C,0017,0018,001D,001E,001F,0020
Boot0000* Manjaro
Boot0017* UEFI: PXE IPV4 Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (7) I219-LM
Boot0018* UEFI: PXE IPV6 Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (7) I219-LM
Boot001C* UEFI OS
Boot001D* UEFI OS
Boot001E* UEFI: SanDisk Extreme 0001, Partition 2
Boot001F* Generic Usb Device
Boot0020* CD/DVD Device

It is the BootCurrent which reflects what has been used to boot the system

Ahhh then we spoke about different things, because a boot flag in terms of disk partitions is something different as a flag used in a menu of a software :wink:
Remember MBR partitions who needed a “boot flag”? :wink:
I know about UEFI boot entries, and that star is not related to that because it only shows the menu entry as being “active”…

Anyhow i suspect the poster is trying to boot an UEFI install on a system without UEFI mode…

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I do …
And a while back Calamares devs simplified the selection - obviously to make that part simpler

Now you choose from

  • boot
  • bios-boot

which should make it obvious …

@HeitorAugusto, you still didn’t provide:

All my mumbling about partition types setting to

  • 0x8304
  • 0x8302
  • 0x8200
  • 0xEF00

This all comes from


which is the future way of defining - what-is-what-and-how-do-i-know - and will probably become a de-facto standard which some may approve of and some may not.

Adding to this is the BIOS/GPT variation when you add an unfomatted partition of type 0xEF02 as the partition to hold GRUB in case of non EFI system boot and this is set within Calamares when you designate a partition as bios-boot.

I know all that info too well :wink:
That’s why i suggested to mount the ESP at /efi a while back in another topic :slight_smile:
Anyhow lets not derail from the original issue :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I agree - it may not be that obvious how the comment connect to the OP - but nonetheless - it is very much related how you define your partitions and in/under which circumstance you are defining them which in the end will define if your system are booting or not.

I am without a Bootable USB from Manjaro at the moment, maybe it will take me a while to send you the output

That’s OK - please do take into consideration - the comments - especially those last ones - discussing the probable differences of BIOS vs. EFI

I have the exact same problem and installed Manjaro manually exactly like OP did. I went through the whole thread but couldn’t find anything that solved it for me. Is there anything else I can try?