Unable to use (install at least) .ttc font

So… i hawe some iusses with telegram fonts (it’s ain’t show japanese symbols) so i asked for help and was guided to install CJK fonts but… The one wich i need are in .ttc file forman wich seem like is not supported yet by linux/kde so if i try install it is sayes that it’s invalid file fomat
Any clues how do i make .ttc fonts work ?

What font you try to install? It’s correct file? If you need Japanese fonts and localization, see Localization/Japanese - ArchWiki

Super OpenType/CFF Collection (Super OTC)

There are 2 ttc.zip Sans & Serif
I tryed decompress it first time and install that way - it ain’t woked, then i tryed to just load .zip as type file, ain’t worked, and finaly - rename from ttc.zip to just tcc wich still ain;t woked

This font is in repositories, just type pamac install noto-fonts-cjk

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