Unable to update (key issues / corrupted packages)

  1. The signature database must be somehow corrupted. So you need to overwrite/reinstall it again. It is not clear when and how this happens.
  2. Do an update at least every month. Manjaro is a rolling release. It doesn’t like long breaks. If that’s a problem, then consider a point release. Use pamac for updates on Manjaro, since it is the main package manager here although it is backwards compatible to pacman.

Understood! I do use Pamac, but also Octopi at times. Should I avoid that?

For practical reasons alone, I would stick with pamac/pacman. There is no real reason not to use Octopi, but using different software for the same function (managing software) can cause problems, as not all software is inherently perfect and they can bite each other in some way. However, it is up to the users what they like and what they risk.

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