Unable to install bspwm via architect

Booted into live environment to install a setup with bspwm and the option simply isn’t there when selecting a DE. I have tried the install process multiple times yet to no avail, any ideas?

I don’t believe there is a current maintainer of the bspwm. There hasn’t been an update of the bspwm profile in 8 months. There has been a commit for the bspwm-mate profile though, but it’s not available on Architect either.

@Chrysostomus, do you know why these two do not show up in Architect? Is it because the maintainer didn’t update the profile correctly, or because the profiles are outdated and Architect detects that somehow? Or something else?

Also… Noticed that LXQt isn’t on Architect either :frowning:

how about install barebone Ma without gui. from tty, use pacman t install ? i had done that [not coz i didnt find any option but i wanted to test barebone and then loading it with required]

Huh, odd I was able to use the install on a different machine recently but now it seems to have gotten the axe

I was going to do that but I wanted to see if I had the option with architect as it’s is simply more convenient for my purposes.

Bspwm edition is maintained currently by @airclay

Manjaro-architect automatically removes from selection profiles that have issues. You can check whick package has issues by running profile-validate -v. I think it might have been caused by the dunstify package.


I verified that the issue is the removal of dunstify package. @philm reuploaded it to repos, it is already in unstable branch and becomes available in stable with next stable update.

@Chrysostomus Instructions for switching branch are available in the WIKI.

Thanks @HelperBot. Yes, you can use the unstable branch to install bspwm edition with manjaro-architect and then switch to stable branch if you want.

Hi, I’m trying to install bspwm and ran into the same issue

How do I use the unstable branch? I set the mirrors to unstable in architect but that didn’t change the list of available desktops.

Before starting the architect script set the system branch and mirror

sudo pacman-mirrors --api --set-branch --unstable --url https://manjaro.moson.eu

Then you can start architect


There is no guarantee as the profile is under maintenance …

1 Like

ah, before running setup. Thank you

no luck, I guess I’ll have to wait for a new version then.

In the meantime I’ll install xcfe and then replace it with bspwm

profile-validate -v
pulling isoprofiles
Cloning into '/tmp/profiles'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 366, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (366/366), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (223/223), done.
remote: Total 366 (delta 84), reused 299 (delta 63), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (366/366), 588.27 KiB | 2.86 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (84/84), done.

Testing profile gnome
Profile gnome passed the test

Testing profile kde
Profile kde passed the test

Testing profile xfce
Profile xfce passed the test

Testing profile awesome
Profile awesome did not pass the test.
The offending packages are: 
Testing profile bspwm
Profile bspwm did not pass the test.
The offending packages are: 
Testing profile bspwm-mate
Profile bspwm-mate did not pass the test.
The offending packages are: 
Testing profile budgie
Profile budgie did not pass the test.
The offending packages are: 
Testing profile cinnamon
Profile cinnamon passed the test

Testing profile deepin
Profile deepin did not pass the test.
The offending packages are: 
Testing profile i3
Profile i3 passed the test

Testing profile kde-minimal
Profile kde-minimal did not pass the test.
The offending packages are: 
Testing profile lxde
Profile lxde passed the test

Testing profile lxqt
Profile lxqt passed the test

Testing profile mate
Profile mate did not pass the test.
The offending packages are: 
Testing profile openbox
Profile openbox passed the test

Testing profile ukui
Profile ukui passed the test

Testing profile webdad
Profile webdad passed the test

Following profiles failed the test:

Okay, some profiles are broken again. I’ll fix those, it should work again after 15minutes.

And now they should work again.

1 Like

wow, thank you