Unable to boot after upgrade to 5.10.31

@moson Thanks. All the three commands went without error. linux54-nvidia-440xx was removed without any problem. While installing nvidia-utils, it asked if I want to remove nvidia-440xx-utils as there was a conflict. On my confirmation, installation went without problem. mhwd -f -i pci video-nvidia downgraded lib32-nvidia-utils to 460.73.01 from 465.24.02. But no problem/ question otherwise.

Un-mount the partitions and reboot?

Yes, sir. Give it a try…

@moson Writing this from the new and shiny 5.10.32 kernel computer. All thanks to you. I think it was the last time that I ignored the update notification!

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And also keep alert for an announcement in the #announcements category. Like you just realized, updating is important and in announcement is valuable information. (I’ve made the mistake not to read it, ONCE. Never again.)

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