Udev rule for usb device

I have y_lsp_user.service and it works when manual or from autostart scrip restarted. I need to create udev rule for usb device.

After=pipewire.service pipewire-session-manager.service pipewire-pulse.service


ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="4-1", SUBSYSTEM=="usb", DRIVER=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="0499", ATTR{idProduct}=="174d", ATTR{power/runtime_status}=="active", RUN+="/home/ataq/stupid_udev.sh"
# ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="4-1", SUBSYSTEM=="usb", DRIVER=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="0499", ATTR{idProduct}=="174d", TAG+="systemd", ENV{SYSTEMD_USER_WANTS}+="y_lsp_user.service"
# ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="4-1", SUBSYSTEM=="usb", DRIVER=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="0499", ATTR{idProduct}=="174d", RUN{program}+="/bin/systemctl --user restart y_lsp_user.service"


# systemctl --machine ataq@.host --user restart y_lsp_user.service
echo $(whoami) >> /tmp/stupid_udev.log
sudo -u ataq XDG_RUNTIME_DIR="/run/user/1000" systemctl --user restart y_lsp_user.service

“systemctl --user restart y_lsp_user.service” work
stupid_udev.sh started from su work as it should
rules triggered correctly, the first part of the script worked
commented options in rule not work too
udevadm control --reload-rules or reboot apllied before test
thanks for respond.