Two versions of Chrome (need to remove the old one)

It seems that I have two versions of Google Chrome installed.
A old one - Version 114.0.5735.198, Not sure How and when I installed it, and/or how to update it.
A new one - Up to date version 117… that is distributed by Flathub.

The problem is that when trying to work with Android Studio/React-Native-Expo is trying to open the old one.
I want to remove the old one,
when looking in both the Add/Remove software and Discover it only show the “Flatpak” version.

You can find help searching the forum (flatpak)

If you build the previous from AUR and depending the version you remove using pacman

sudo pacman -Rns google-chrome

Which is also the custom script version - being at 117.0.5938.132

pamac build google-chrome

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