I have two computers, a laptop and a desktop.
Both are running Manjaro KDE, installed from the same image a year or so back.
Both have Discord installed in Pamac, from the Manjaro feed.
One got an update around 4am CET today, the other insists that the newest version is a week old? No amount of updating the database or hitting refresh seems to remedy this. I’ve tried all of the update things in the menu, and removed all the caches, and removing the package and installing it again - it downloaded the old version and installed it.
What gives?
How do I jostle that one computer out of its funk?
This will set your mirror-list to the 5 fastest mirrors for you and update the package list when done.
Another possibility is the different mirrors in use by the 2 different computers are simply out op sync. In which case the above command should be sufficient as well.
I actually find --continent gives me a more solid return (YMMV).
I had Discord installed - however, I much prefer Webcord - and it never missed a beat… worth a try (and you wouldn’t need to remove Discord to test it).
pamac install webcord-bin
Webcord IS an AUR sourced package, but it never got cut off the way Discord does… currently at 4.10.3-1
A Discord and SpaceBar Electron-based client implemented without Discord API (binary release)
Sure, but from which mirror are the applications pulled from. These can be outdated from time to time and have different versions as @Mirdarthos already suggested
To my understanding the update of the mirrorlist updates the list about new or outdated mirrors. But not about the content and sync between the of the mirrors.