Trackmania not enough ram

Man, where are emojis when you need them…

It took you more time to write all this than it would to create a swapfile. :facepalm:


no, it preferably shouldn’t do that :slightly_smiling_face:

But the message in the picture in your initial post pointed to a lack of RAM and/or swap pace - that’s why we went to recommend that.

you posted, then withdrew the post - but you had problems
Apparently, the commands given in the Arch Wiki cannot be used as is.

remedy is found by reading man mkswap
or here:

LANG=C mkswap -h

 mkswap [options] device [size]

So, it appears the syntax is a little different - adapt it (the size goes last - and just as a number).

I didn’t test it - I only knew the other way,
which is using dd to create a file of the desired size
and format it as swap …

Here you go - with example.
(much too large for you - adapt the count parameter …)

It is really rare that examples taken from the Arch wiki do not work …

Not having enough RAM/SWAP might very well make things crash/close after a certain point.
With 7.68 GiB of RAM total and no SWAP … I find it very likely related.

…oh … and that was before noticing the original error is literally about RAM.

How is this even a discussion?

Buy more RAM and/or add SWAP.
Thats it. There are no other answers.


Well, maybe you have to check the ProtonDB Page I did send you earlier, there is a guy played it 2 weeks ago with a Proton version.
3 weeks ago, even one with 8 GB Ram.

Read up about swap file

And even try my Swap-file script.
I would add 16 GB while you have that much free space on your Disk.


swap-activate() {
    # swapfile
    set -e

    # set swapfile path

    # convert diskspace to MB
    diskspace="$(df --output=avail -B1 / | tail -n 1)"
    diskspace=$((diskspace / 1024 / 1024)) # Convert GB to MB

    while true; do

        echo "How much MB should your swapfile have?"
        echo "Free space is $diskspace MB"
        echo "  Enter here: "
        read -r i

        # number check
        if ! [[ "$i" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
            echo "Memory size must be numbers"

        # Diskspace check
        if [[ $i -ge $diskspace ]]; then
            echo "Not enough disk space to create a swapfile of ${i} MB."

        # lesser then 1
        if [[ $i -le 0 ]]; then
            echo "${i} MB is a invalid value."


    echo -e 'Do you want to use \e[38;2;242;29;0m'"${i}"'\e[0m MB?'
    echo "Press y are Enter to continue"

    read -r r

    if [[ "$r" =~ ^[Yy]$ ]] || [[ "$r" == "" ]]; then

        # Trap signals to perform cleanup actions
        cleanup_() {
            if swapon --show | grep -q "file"; then
                sudo swapoff $path_ || true
                sh -c "sudo rm $path_"

        # build swapfile
        sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=$path_ bs=1M count="$i" status=progress || {
            echo "Error creating swapfile"
            sleep 5
            exit 1
        # set permission
        if sh -c "sudo chmod 600 $path_"; then
            echo "chmod 600 $path_"
            echo "Error changing permissions"
            sleep 5
            exit 1
        # create swapfile
        sudo mkswap $path_ || {
            echo "Error setting up swap"
            sleep 5
            exit 1
        # aktive swap
        sudo swapon $path_ || {
            echo "Error activating swap"
            sleep 5
            exit 1

        # config swap
        sudo sh -c " cat <<'EOF' >/etc/sysctl.d/99-swappiness.conf

    # sudo sysctl vm.vfs_cache_pressure=100
    # sudo sysctl vm.swappiness=60
    # sudo mkinitcpio -P
    # sudo sysctl --system

        # set fstab
        if sudo sh -c "grep -q $path_ /etc/fstab"; then
            echo "Entry already exists in /etc/fstab"
            sudo sh -c "echo \"$path_ none swap defaults 0 0\" >> /etc/fstab"
            echo "Entry added to /etc/fstab"
        echo "swapfile cancelled.."

    # show swap
    if [[ -e $path_ ]]; then
        swapon --show
    ~  inxi -Dj                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ✔ 
  Local Storage: total: 931.51 GiB used: 180.81 GiB (19.4%)
  ID-1: /dev/sda vendor: HGST (Hitachi) model: HTS541010A7E630
    size: 931.51 GiB
  ID-1: swap-1 type: file size: 4 GiB used: 28.3 MiB (0.7%) file: /swapfile
    ~     

Steam still game still doesnt run also got this error

Check your Mem/Swap status with htop while you run Trackmania… most gaming systems use 16Gbyte since 12 year ago… its possible that 8gbyte+ 4Gbyte swap is still not enough.

Close background applications can helps with performance.

Use different Proton versions, like the experimental proton.

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Add more ram and swap the drive for an ssd. Setting up swap may prevent crashes but since you’re using a 5400rpm spinner drive it will slow the machine down when swap is used.

Trackmania requires at least an AMD Radeon R9 270X which outperforms your R7 M260 by 888%, so I guess, swap or no swap, this isn’t going to work.

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I would have suggested zram … all the more so if its a spinner disk.

Now that you mention the devices …

Are we sure its even using the AMD?

I think it might be using the intel iGPU.

The preference may be for the AMD … but that will need to be handled.
On top of that … its using the old radeon driver.
As a southern islands card its pretty old … but new enough to have GCN and thus the ability to enable amdgpu.

Ok so trackmania is runing now(using the 4gb swap, I found cscs guide online and used it without problems Manjaro Freezing BAD - #6 by cscs) from ubisoft connect its still is quite laggy but its playable at like 10-20 fps, after setting the settings to the lowest possible. I would like to learn more about how to optimize it. Im gonna try to install openplay and from it the plugin tweak to reduce render distance and increase fps.

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