Tracker3 in .cache 179 GB

I use latest Manjaro Gnome edition today when I run this command

ncdu /home/mostafa

I see

I see tracker3 get 179.1 GB of my HDD
How I can solve this?

I would modify where and what tracker creates indexes for.

How I can understand which app create indexes?

tracker3 is the gnome indexer - but I am not a habitual user of gnome - not sure where to find it.

I would think a good place to look is Settings → Search or something similar.


.cache is just that - you can remove it without repercussioins.

Yes - but it will rebuild - so I advise to adjust the tracker config

Can I remove it ? size of tracker3 right now is 180 GB

I think this answered your question before you even asked it. But know, it will become as large again if it continues to index the same stuff. See here for configuring it better for you:
