Touchpad settings missing options in system settings

new user here! ( from MX linux)
kde plasma in my old install used to have a lot of options in the touchpad section of my system settings. It let me use edge scrolling and two finger scrolling at the same time but those settins seem to be missing in manjaro. i found the problem solved in the forums here:

it claimed to have solved it but didn’t work for me for some reason. maybe its too old.

pls help.

link to the old post i found :
forum .manjaro .org / t/ touchpad-settings-why-are-they-different-how-to-fix/ 64236

so is there any way for me to get those settings back or what? I really need to adjust the senstivity on this thing.
can anyone please help me?

so, trying that same fix 7 more times actually fixed it. CRAZY.