Timeshift problems with btfrs

I have an SSD with cinnamon Manjaro installed. I have partitioned the SSD with a fat32 1GB for boot/efi, 300 GB btfrs for /, 100 GB ext4 for /home , and 50 GB ntfs.
I have taken a rsynk snapshot on an external disk, and all it’s good. I would take a btfrs snapshot on the SSD, but i receive this error message:

"La partizione di sistema ha un layout di volume secondario non supportato. Solo i layout di ubuntu-type con @ e sottovolumi @home sono attualmente supportati.

L’applicazione verrà chiusa."

what do you think ?

Thats the problem. Your / → @ and /home → @home have to be on same BTRFS partition/volume, but your /home is on another ext4 formated partition. Timeshift doesn’t support this setup.

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I assumed it

thank you