Emoji Characters Not Shown in QT Apps

All emoji characters (such as :white_check_mark: :id: :+1: etc) are either not shown or shown as black & white pictographs in any QT application. This unwelcomed change happened across all installed QT applications at once after a system update. There’s no issue with any other non-QT application.

I’m currently using:

OS: Manjaro 20.2.1 Nibia
Kernel: x86_64 Linux 5.10.2-2-MANJARO
Shell: bash 5.1.0
DE: Xfce4
WM: Xfwm4
WM Theme: Gnububble
GTK Theme: Breath-Dark [GTK2]
Icon Theme: Humanity-Dark
Font: Cantarell 14

Any idea how to fix this? Thank YOU!

I’m afraid you can’t. It’s an upstream bug. :man_shrugging:

Thank You @Aragorn. At least good to know the devs are aware of it.

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