Thumbnails not working KDE plasma 6

Hi community,

I’m writing a new topic because i need some help.
Since i did the last update, suddenly the thumbnails are not being shown in dolphin, even the monitor switcher do not show the logos.

My system:

inxi -Faz                                                                                                                 ✔
  Kernel: 6.1.90-1-MANJARO arch: x86_64 bits: 64 compiler: gcc v: 13.2.1
    clocksource: tsc avail: hpet,acpi_pm
    parameters: BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-6.1-x86_64
    root=UUID=81e6cfa7-8060-4d99-80d0-3f7a5dd0ab6a rw acpi_osi=!
    "acpi_osi=Windows 2009" quiet
    resume=UUID=34c3ce69-a7a3-44aa-a141-51b765907742 udev.log_priority=3
  Desktop: KDE Plasma v: 6.0.4 tk: Qt v: N/A info: frameworks v: 6.1.0
    wm: kwin_wayland with: krunner vt: 1 dm: SDDM Distro: Manjaro
    base: Arch Linux

This is the last update i have done before it stopped working correctly (i don’t know if some of this packages have something to do):

[2024-05-19T10:40:16+0200] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -Syu'
[2024-05-19T10:40:16+0200] [PACMAN] synchronizing package lists
[2024-05-19T10:40:18+0200] [PACMAN] starting full system upgrade
[2024-05-19T10:41:08+0200] [ALPM] running '00-timeshift-autosnap.hook'...
[2024-05-19T10:41:08+0200] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> skipping timeshift-autosnap due skipRsyncAutosnap in /etc/timeshift-autosnap.conf set to TRUE.
[2024-05-19T10:41:08+0200] [ALPM] transaction started
[2024-05-19T10:41:08+0200] [ALPM] removed qtermwidget5 (1.4.0-1)
[2024-05-19T10:41:08+0200] [ALPM] installed qtermwidget (1.4.0-2)
[2024-05-19T10:41:08+0200] [ALPM] upgraded octopi (0.15.0-6 -> 0.15.0-7)
[2024-05-19T10:41:08+0200] [ALPM] upgraded spectre-meltdown-checker (0.46+23+g0f2edb1-1 -> 0.46+26+gbd0c7c9-1)
[2024-05-19T10:41:09+0200] [ALPM] transaction completed
[2024-05-19T10:41:09+0200] [ALPM] running '30-systemd-update.hook'...
[2024-05-19T10:41:09+0200] [ALPM] running '90-packagekit-refresh.hook'...
[2024-05-19T10:41:09+0200] [ALPM] running 'gtk-update-icon-cache.hook'...
[2024-05-19T10:41:09+0200] [ALPM] running 'update-desktop-database.hook'...
[2024-05-19T10:41:42+0200] [PAMAC] synchronizing package lists
[2024-05-19T10:42:25+0200] [ALPM] transaction started
[2024-05-19T10:42:25+0200] [ALPM] installed ninja (1.12.0-2)
[2024-05-19T10:42:25+0200] [ALPM] installed python-tqdm (4.66.4-1)
[2024-05-19T10:42:25+0200] [ALPM] installed uasm (2.56.2-1)
[2024-05-19T10:42:25+0200] [ALPM] installed meson (1.4.0-5)
[2024-05-19T10:42:26+0200] [ALPM] transaction completed
[2024-05-19T10:42:26+0200] [ALPM] running '30-systemd-update.hook'...
[2024-05-19T10:42:26+0200] [ALPM] running '90-packagekit-refresh.hook'...
[2024-05-19T10:42:53+0200] [ALPM] running '00-timeshift-autosnap.hook'...
[2024-05-19T10:42:53+0200] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> skipping timeshift-autosnap due skipRsyncAutosnap in /etc/timeshift-autosnap.conf set to TRUE.
[2024-05-19T10:42:53+0200] [ALPM] transaction started
[2024-05-19T10:42:53+0200] [ALPM] upgraded 7-zip (23.01-1 -> 24.05-1)
[2024-05-19T10:42:54+0200] [ALPM] transaction completed
[2024-05-19T10:42:54+0200] [ALPM] running '30-systemd-update.hook'...
[2024-05-19T10:42:54+0200] [ALPM] running '90-packagekit-refresh.hook'...
[2024-05-19T10:42:59+0200] [PAMAC] synchronizing package lists
[2024-05-19T10:43:31+0200] [PAMAC] synchronizing package lists

As i mentioned before, thumbnails stopped working, for img, files, pdf, everything, but it does work in the dolphin information panel:

The display switcher:

I copied an IMG to the desktop, and i realised that the thumbnail would be shown in the monitor that was set to seconday, if i change the monitor config it would be shown in the second monitor.
Anyway if i open any file, they are all just fine.

I removed the thumbnails cache, and restarted dolphin, but nothing change, and i got this message in the terminal:

rm -r ~/.cache/thumbnails 
dolphin &

kf.kio.gui: Cannot read information about filesystem under path "/home/user/.cache/thumbnails/"
qt.gui.icc: fromIccProfile: failed minimal tag size sanity
qt.gui.imageio: libpng warning: profile matches sRGB but writing iCCP instead


ls -ld ~
drwx------ 57 user user 4096 may 22 11:53 /home/user

~ ls -ld ~/.cache
drwxr-xr-x 86 user user 4096 may 22 11:53 /home/user/.cache

~ ls -ld ~/.cache/thumbnails
drwxr-xr-x 6 user user 4096 ago 16  2021 /home/user/.cache/thumbnails

I also change the dolphin config, and setted it back to default, but it did not help.

If i login in a NEW Profile account, everything works just fine.

I would really appreciate any advice that could help me to solve this inconvenience.

Logout. Delete your ~/.cache folder. Login.

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For known issues and solutions - please see → [Stable Update] 2024-05-18 - Linux-Firmware, PHP, Gitlab, Qt6 - #2 by philm

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When i run dolphin & and open an image, i get this message in the terminal:

kf.kio.core: An error occurred during write. The worker terminates now.                                                                    
kf.i18n.kuit: "Unknown subcue ':whatsthis,' in UI marker in context {@info:whatsthis, %1 the action's text}."
org.kde.kdegraphics.gwenview.lib: Unresolved mime type  "image/x-aptus-mos"
org.kde.kdegraphics.gwenview.lib: Unresolved mime type  "image/x-arq"
org.kde.kdegraphics.gwenview.lib: Unresolved mime type  "image/x-bay"
org.kde.kdegraphics.gwenview.lib: Unresolved mime type  "image/x-bmq"
org.kde.kdegraphics.gwenview.lib: Unresolved mime type  "image/x-cap"
org.kde.kdegraphics.gwenview.lib: Unresolved mime type  "image/x-cine"
org.kde.kdegraphics.gwenview.lib: Unresolved mime type  "image/x-cs1"
org.kde.kdegraphics.gwenview.lib: Unresolved mime type  "image/x-dc2"
org.kde.kdegraphics.gwenview.lib: Unresolved mime type  "image/x-drf"
org.kde.kdegraphics.gwenview.lib: Unresolved mime type  "image/x-dxo"
org.kde.kdegraphics.gwenview.lib: Unresolved mime type  "image/x-epson-eip"
org.kde.kdegraphics.gwenview.lib: Unresolved mime type  "image/x-epson-erf"
org.kde.kdegraphics.gwenview.lib: Unresolved mime type  "image/x-fff"
org.kde.kdegraphics.gwenview.lib: Unresolved mime type  "image/x-hasselblad-3fr"
org.kde.kdegraphics.gwenview.lib: Unresolved mime type  "image/x-iiq"
org.kde.kdegraphics.gwenview.lib: Unresolved mime type  "image/x-kodak-dcs"
org.kde.kdegraphics.gwenview.lib: Unresolved mime type  "image/x-kodak-kc2"
org.kde.kdegraphics.gwenview.lib: Unresolved mime type  "image/x-mamiya-mef"
org.kde.kdegraphics.gwenview.lib: Unresolved mime type  "image/x-mfw"
org.kde.kdegraphics.gwenview.lib: Unresolved mime type  "image/x-minolta-mdc"
org.kde.kdegraphics.gwenview.lib: Unresolved mime type  "image/x-mng"
org.kde.kdegraphics.gwenview.lib: Unresolved mime type  "image/x-obm"
org.kde.kdegraphics.gwenview.lib: Unresolved mime type  "image/x-ori"
org.kde.kdegraphics.gwenview.lib: Unresolved mime type  "image/x-ptx"
org.kde.kdegraphics.gwenview.lib: Unresolved mime type  "image/x-pxn"
org.kde.kdegraphics.gwenview.lib: Unresolved mime type  "image/x-qtk"
org.kde.kdegraphics.gwenview.lib: Unresolved mime type  "image/x-r3d"
org.kde.kdegraphics.gwenview.lib: Unresolved mime type  "image/x-raw"
org.kde.kdegraphics.gwenview.lib: Unresolved mime type  "image/x-rdc"
org.kde.kdegraphics.gwenview.lib: Unresolved mime type  "image/x-rwl"
org.kde.kdegraphics.gwenview.lib: Unresolved mime type  "image/x-rwz"
org.kde.kdegraphics.gwenview.lib: Unresolved mime type  "image/x-samsung-srw"
org.kde.kdegraphics.gwenview.lib: Unresolved mime type  "image/x-sti"
org.kde.kdegraphics.gwenview.lib: Unresolved raw mime type  "image/x-samsung-srw"

Shall i try to Reset KDE Configuration (is it safe?):

mv ~/.config/ ~/.config/
mv ~/.config/kdeglobals ~/.config/kdeglobals.backup
mv ~/.config/dolphinrc ~/.config/dolphinrc.backup

I’ve already done it.
When logged out i entered to the virtual console and deleted ~/.cache, but when go back to the GUI and login to my user, everything continues the same way.

The problem was that the Show preview (F12) in the Dolphin configuration was deactivated.
menu > more > view > show preview
So simple.

The “Display Switch” or “Display Configuration” is still not working as mentioned before, but for the moment it is not a big deal, besides it should be a simple solution.


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