Theme folder not in sync with OCS installed kde themes. Any solution?

I downloaded some themes including Manjaro-cyan-plasma one from the kde web page Plasma Themes - KDE Store t

I installed OCS, and the themes installed from the web with that went to ~/.local/share/aurorae/themes and did not appear

I searched and it seems themes are stored at /usr/share/sddm/themes

And I searched if there were any way of adding folders to the themes interface in configuration to be able to use both or any other way of being able to use both directories to keep OCS installs but working, or to change the OCS install directory by default, and I cannot find it.

I suppose copying the themes as root would work, but wouldn’t be better being able to have your root default themes in /usr and some other ones in ~/.local ?

Thanks in advance for all your fine job.

I don’t know what is problem. Different parts of KDE theme store files in different locations:

  • icons are in ~/.local/share/icons
  • aurorae themes are in ~/.local/share/aurorae
  • color schemes are in ~/.local/share/color-schemes
  • wallpapers are in ~/.local/share/wallpapers
  • other parts like lokandfeel and plasma themes are in ~/.local/share/plasma
  • sddm themes are in /usr/share/sddm/themes – it’s not in your home, because changes in sddm theme are visible for all users, not only for you
  • cursors are in ~/.icons
  • gtk themes are in ~/.themes

I don’t know if there is any possibility to change these paths, they probably are hardcoded.

Then the problem is JUST that aurorae themes can be downloaded, but not selected from the theme menu.

So aurorae themes are not working.

PS: I thought folders can be configured.

For me, everything works perfectly. How do you install theme? You have several possibilities:

  • Through system settings and Get new… buttons
  • Through system settings and Install from file… – you need manually download files from or similar pages before
  • Manual download, unpack and copy to proper directory
  • Through browser and Install button on page – you need ocs-url (available in AUR) for this option to work
  • With Pling Store

You should know that some themes may be broken, so regardless of the selected option they may not work.