[Testing Update] 2024-03-23 - Pacman 6.1, KDE Gear, Nvidia, Gstreamer, AMD ROCm

Thank you very much for the reply, indeed balooctl6 works, disabling purging the index database and enabling it again did the trick, it started indexing and afterwords I was able to search again in Dolphin.

Thanks again for the help :ok_hand:

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Since this morning Pamac shows 252 av. updates. I can not find a related announcement.
My system is on the Testing branch.

Can someone confirm this update?

i agree, i do not get it. Nonetheless, i have updated my system, apparently no issue so far. I mean, not more than before :slight_smile:

It happens. Same here, load of updates, no issues.

A post was merged into an existing topic: [Testing Update] GNOME 46, Plasma, Qt, LibreOffice