[Testing Update] 2024-03-23 - Pacman 6.1, KDE Gear, Nvidia, Gstreamer, AMD ROCm

can we have more info about this

Nouvelles dépendances optionnelles pour grub
    install-grub: Script to install Grub after package updates

pacman -Si install-grub
Dépôt                    : core
Nom                      : install-grub
Version                  : 2.12-4
Description              : GNU Grub (2) Install Script on Updates
Architecture             : x86_64
URL                      : https://www.gnu.org/software/grub/
Licences                 : GPL-3.0-or-later
Groupes                  : --
Fournit                  : --
Dépend de                : coreutils  efibootmgr  gawk  grep  grub
Dépendances opt.         : --
Est en conflit avec      : --
Remplace                 : --
Taille du téléchargement : 5,22 KiB
Taille installée         : 6,77 KiB
Paqueteur                : Mark Wagie <mark@manjaro.org>
Compilé le               : dim. 17 mars 2024 18:22:08
Validé par               : Somme MD5  Somme SHA-256  Signature

last check for suspend screen & login xfce & nvidia :
failed , still black screen with mouse cursor appear

switched yesterday night to testing, plasma6, ext4, x11
this morning veracrypt deed not open my old truecrypt volume
deed today update and is the same, in options there is not anymore for selection of truecrypt volume

Operation failed due to one or more of the following:
 - Incorrect password.
 - Incorrect Volume PIM number.
 - Incorrect PRF (hash).
 - Not a valid volume.

password is not changed, always the old one

I found a little issue on konsole: before upgrading to plasma 6 (and konsole to version 24.02.0-1) I took the following screenshot:

Look at the theme, because now it’s like the following screenshot:

So, searching in the pacman log I see a zsh upgrade (done within the plasma6 one), then I tried to downgrade the zsh package, but the theme was the same.
So my suspects fallen to konsole, after downgraded it to version 23.08.5-1 the zsh theme is like it was before upgrading to plasma 6, like in the first screenshot.

Pamac issue solved.

Install a nerd-ttf-fonts of your choice, set it in your profile of Konsole.

For more information about install-grub see:
Install-grub: a new way to keep your EFI/MBR in-sync with grub package
[root tip] [How To] Primer on handling a grub package update



Wiki post:

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@notageek Veracrypt version 1.26.7 removed the option to run truecrypt mode.
Please see official changelog: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/689937121/README.TXT

  • Remove TrueCrypt Mode support. Version 1.25.9 can be used to mount or convert TrueCrypt volumes.
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@philm i still do not get one thing about the mkinit hook

  1. We add the hook to mkinitcpio.conf
  2. do we actively delete/comment out the line ALL_microcode=(/boot/*-ucode.img) in the presets?
  3. do we do smth else? Like in grub?

Thanks I’ve reverted back to stable and deed the operation, now I will go back to testing… :smile:

Problems with auto-mount/VeraCrypt NTFS volumes using Kernel 6.8:
The kernel changed default ntfs driver from FUSE one to ntfs3.
These two are not fully compatible, mainly as far as mount options go. If you have custom mount options in the fstab (or any other application, such as VeraCrypt) they need to be changed.

Mount fails with: Device or resource busy
DMesg reports: Can't open blockdev

Migrate your mount options. For me the changes were:

  • allow_otherumask=000
  • default_permissions → [drop]
  • user_id=1000uid=1000
  • group_id=1000gid=1000
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The advice appears to be: add to /etc/default/grub

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ktorrent has problems since KDE Gear 24.02.1. It will not run. A re-install did not change that.

qt.dbus.integration: Could not connect "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager" to "stateChanged" : Type not registered with QtDBus in parameter list: QNetworkManagerInterface::NMState
qt.dbus.integration: Could not connect "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager" to "connectivityChanged" : Type not registered with QtDBus in parameter list: QNetworkManagerInterface::NMConnectivityState
qt.dbus.integration: Could not connect "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager" to "deviceTypeChanged" : Type not registered with QtDBus in parameter list: QNetworkManagerInterface::NMDeviceType
qt.dbus.integration: Could not connect "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager" to "meteredChanged" : Type not registered with QtDBus in parameter list: QNetworkManagerInterface::NMMetered
kf.coreaddons: "Could not load plugin from /usr/lib/qt6/plugins/ktorrent_plugins/StatsPlugin.so: Cannot load library /usr/lib/qt6/plugins/ktorrent_plugins/StatsPlugin.so: (libKF6Plotting.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)"
QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to kt::FileView "", which already has a layout
kf.coreaddons: "Could not load plugin from /usr/lib/qt6/plugins/ktorrent_plugins/StatsPlugin.so: Cannot load library /usr/lib/qt6/plugins/ktorrent_plugins/StatsPlugin.so: (libKF6Plotting.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)"
zsh: segmentation fault (core dumped)  ktorrent

edit: installed the missing kplotting package. ktorrent still did not run. removed .config/ktorrentrc and now it does start. But only once!

Am I the only one having an error message when SDDM is being initialized?
The error message is: “Configuration file ‘’/var/lib/sddm/.config/sddm-greeter-qt6rc’’ not writable. Please contact your system administrator.”

Not a very warm welcome. I didn’t have this message at first when KDE6 was released a few days ago. Pretty curious that it comes up suddenly.

EDIT: Found this old thread. It doesn’t explain the difference between now vs last update, but at least it will most likely fix the issue, as indeed, somehow .config directory is owned by root and not sddm for some reasons. Configuration file "/var/lib/sddm/.config/sddm-greeterrc" not writable - #4 by cscs :person_shrugging:

EDIT 2: OK so I dunno what the f- I did, but I had a custom theme for SDDM installed somehow, a Windows 9x style theme called Reactionary. I have no clue where it comes from, I guess I was drunk when I did it or whatever. I uninstalled it and I click on “Apply Plasma settings on SDDM” too and it fixed it. Hum whatever.

@notageek No need to go back to stable next time. Do use downgrade or manjaro-downgrade.

pamac install manjaro-downgrade
manjaro-downgrade veracrypt


pamac install downgrade
sudo downgrade veracrypt

On stable it’s normally restricted as it’s only a temporary solution and needs DOWNGRADE_FROM_ALA=1
Please see wiki: Downgrading packages - Manjaro


I explain that in this video/post: [Testing Update] 2024-03-16 - Kernel, Calamares, Mesa, Plasma 6, KF 6, KDE Gear 24.04, LibreOffice - #87 by zar0nick

That is only the first step as we now know there are 3 steps (hooks, presets, grub)

4 posts were split to a new topic: I’m not able to run snap anymore

hey thanks for the answer! Can you please elaborate further? I cannot follow you.


literally 5 posts above