[Testing Update] 2021-07-21 - Nvidia, Kernels, Wine, Virtualbox, Pipewire, Systemd

After all the talk about wayland and Xwayland above I wondered if there was an issue even for users without nvidia and started sway after a long time only using i3wm. And there was. Sway wouldn’t start, complaining about a missing library (libseat.so.1) and I found it with the help of pkgfile. It’s in the package libseat. After installing the package sway starts again.

I just did, no change, still the same error :frowning: .
Does it matter? I don’t know what is this db used for. I don’t have a server on my own, unless some apps are creating their own server environment.

That’s odd. A couple of days ago I did sudo mariadb-upgrade -u root -p and there was no error.

Anyway, if you don’t have a server then it is safe to assume that you don’t need mariadb.

I’m using google chrome for some reasons. systemd resolved is not activated on my system.
Should I go for that update ?

If you don’t use systemd-resolved, Chrome will work fine with this update.

Hopefully, Google will soon patch the stable branch of Chrome to work with systemd 249.

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It’s a marker for mariadb, you can create it manually if this

$ cat /var/lib/mysql/mysql_upgrade_info 

To quote mysql_upgrade info page of mariadb:

mysql_upgrade also saves the MariaDB version number in a file named mysql_upgrade_info in the data directory. This is used to quickly check whether all tables have been checked for this release so that table-checking can be skipped.

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No issues transferring to testing from stable. Kernel 13, XFCE. Thanks!

@nightmare-2021 @philm

not only Kernel 5.13 related

I have a mouse “Asus ROG Chakram Core”, configured under Wind**fs 10. Runs o.K. on all kernels…
But systemd-journal tells:
When using Kernel 5.13.4-1 - connected to USB 2.0 (systemd-log):
kernel: usb 1-7.4: device descriptor read/all, error -71
connected to USB 3.0:
kernel: usb 1-10: device not accepting address 4, error -71

Testing kernels 510 to 514 same error.
“error -71” means: unknown device
Mouse runs with “fallback-driver” (HID, I presume)

Other than this journal entry, do you see any issues?

This is a missing driver issue - the mouse runs with “default” - driver instead.

For any interested, you may want to switch to stable temporarily to get the newest kvantum-qt5. The testing branch has the older version for now.



That’s not a lot of packages but this indicates something is weird in how this is handled, it was the same (but worse) recently when I spotted a Nvidia package was not up to date on Testing, then papajoke looked a it [Testing Update] 2021-07-12 - Xorg-Server downgrade, Kernels, Systemd 249, KDE Frameworks 5.84.0 - #18 by papajoke there was many… here we have a few…

:: Compare versions stable / testing (only showing packages on Stable which are greater version)

manjaro-release                      21.1.0rc2-1                  21.1.0rc1-2                             1
fwupd-git                            1.6.1.r184.g924aa5a4-1       1.5.7.r160.gc2550345-1                  1
gpsprune                             20.4-1                       20.3-1                                  1
kvantum-qt5                          0.20.1-1                     0.20.0-1                                1
blueman                              2.2.1-1                      2.1.4-1                                 1
ospray                               2.6.0-1                      2.5.0-1                                 1
python-matplotlib                    3.4.2-2                      3.4.2-1                                 1

By the way this tool manjaro-check-repos from papajoke is great, and in the repos, give it a try :smiley:

Tipp: IF ERROR - (Does not run):

mbn 0.9.7-0.9.7 mbn - manjaro Multi-Branch Navigator
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/share/manjaro-check-repos/lib/alpm.py”, line 42, in new
cls.handles[branchname] = config.init_with_config(f"{cls.ROOT}/{branchname}/etc/pacman.conf")
File “/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pycman/config.py”, line 290, in init_with_config
config = PacmanConfig(conf=configpath)
File “/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pycman/config.py”, line 179, in init
File “/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pycman/config.py”, line 185, in load_from_file
for section, key, value in pacman_conf_enumerator():
File “/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pycman/config.py”, line 95, in _enumerator
new_fd = open(self.path, ‘rb’)
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden: ‘/var/lib/manjaro-repos/unstable/etc/pacman.conf’

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/share/manjaro-check-repos/mbn-gui.py”, line 499, in
app = MainApp(title=lib.DESCRIPTION)
File “/usr/share/manjaro-check-repos/mbn-gui.py”, line 320, in init
self.fields = PopupFields()
File “/usr/share/manjaro-check-repos/mbn-gui.py”, line 80, in init
branch = AlpmBranch(‘unstable’)
File “/usr/share/manjaro-check-repos/lib/alpm.py”, line 45, in new
raise BranchNotFoundError(f"local repo “{branchname}” not found ! (use command “update”)", branchname)
lib.exceptions.BranchNotFoundError: local repo “unstable” not found ! (use command “update”)

You have to do in Terminal first: sudo mbn update…

Yes that’s what the program tells you when you try to run it.

[omano@omano-nvme ~]$ mbn versions --testing --stable -v

 Error: BranchNotFoundError: local repo "stable" not found ! (use command "update") 🤕

//EDIT: initially was “ERROR - (Does not run)” I think.

I know. Please recognize the word: “Tipp” - its intended to be a small tutorial. :innocent: for the blind.

you should be able to add LIBSEAT_BACKEND=logind to /etc/environment