Please ask @Chrysostomus and check if you have that package in ignore list …
I noticed the Brave browser scaling broke - it worked before the update but was much too big afterwards. I’m running KDE with the global scale set to 200%.
Fix was to launch Brave with the flag --force-device-scale-factor=2.0
Everything updated smoothly, nice job devs.
Operating System: Manjaro Linux
KDE Plasma Version: 5.21.5
KDE Frameworks Version: 5.82.0
Qt Version: 5.15.2
Kernel Version: 5.12.8-1-MANJARO
OS Type: 64-bit
Graphics Platform: X11
Processors: 12 × AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor
Memory: 15.6 GiB of RAM
Graphics Processor: Radeon RX 590 Series
Extensions app and settings of extensions does not use my theme: Flat-Remix-GTK-Blue-Darkest-Solid-NoBorder
yes with no luck
Gnome shell did not to accept mouse/keyboard input after update. (I could not click on anything or use the keyboard but some mouse hover animations where working)
I solved by: ctrl +F3, login and disable the user shell extensions:
$ gsettings get disable-user-extensions true
After restarting the system the shell was responsive again and I could update all extensions and reactivate them:
$ gsettings get disable-user-extensions false
I suspect that Pop Shell tiling caused the problem. But now after updating the extensions everything works great! Thanks @devs for all the work!
The Extensions application now uses GTK4 and your theme apparently does not support it. Adwaita, Adwaita-maia, Matcha and themes by vinceliuice are your best bet.
Those are GTK4 apps. Please use either Adwaita-Maia or Matcha, which are currently the one themes we officially support for Gnome 40.
Is there way to choose these themes only for gtk4 to not change gtk3?
You can launch applications to use a specific GTK theme with the following environment variable:
GTK_THEME=Adwaita-dark gnome-extensions-app
If you want to make it permanent, copy the desktop file to userspace and change the Exec
cp /usr/share/applications/org.gnome.Extensions.desktop ~/.local/share/applications/
Exec=GTK_THEME=Adwaita-dark /usr/bin/gnome-extensions-app
Hi @philm Its definitely not in the ignore list - I’ll check in with @Chrysostomus. Its not critical for me (I never actually use the extension) but I know it was something you were working on.
Thank for yout effort @philm goimg to check and back to you after do the check to report
Hi @philm and @Chrysostomus
I want back through my extensions and noticed that both dash-to-dock and dash-to-panel were listed under “manually installed”. I removed both, removed the packages for both via pacman, then reinstalled both packages via pacman, then restarted gnome. Voila! Dash-to-dock now works just fine, and is listed under “Built-In” now.
I hope this helps other who might run into the same situation.
Enabling Pop Shell resulted in a completely frozen computer, so I am keeping it off.
I had some weird issues with “zooming out” to the workspace overview. When zooming out, it would not only zoom out but it would also switch to the workspace on the right side. It was occurring only in my profile, so I wiped it (for the first time after 9 months) an all seems good.
Pop-Shell needs to be deactivated.
Bug-Report (Where should I put those?)
If I choose to imbalance my speaker (more right than left or something like that) in Gnome Settings und then close gnomesettings the slider is in the middle, whilst the sound is acutally imbalanced. If you moove the slider it gets correct again.
The workspace switcher seems to be based on the default manjaro gtk theme, but I use the Nordic gtk theme with the user themes gnome extension. Shouldn’t the workspace switcher be themed correctly ? I’m pretty sure it was themed correctly on Gnome 3.38, I just switched to the Testing branch to be able to have Gnome 40
EDIT: wait no, it’s weird but that’s actually the right theme it uses. maybe it’s just an issue with the theme, but it’s not a gnome 40 issue
The color of my dash to panel stubbornly does not want to be saved
here is an example:
here it is as it should be
but if you go to the desktop it already becomes different:
as you can see here it is not gray but black
in the settings, it is set to gray:
And more:
I never found out how to make the keyboard layout indicator flags
A post was merged into an existing topic: [Testing Update] 2021-06-08 - Kernels, Cinnamon 5.0, Gnome 40.2, Cutefish 0.2, Deepin, Firefox