[Testing Update] 2020-08-23 - Kernels, LibreOffice 7.0, KDE-git, Mate 1.24.1, GCC 10, Python, Haskell

Looks like you push out version 1.0.8-5 for Warpinator. Thank you! It works fine now.

When Liberaoffice 7 arrive?

Someone didn’t read the topic title, let alone the first post. C’mon…

If you already checked for updates and didn’t receive what you were expecting, then that means your mirrors haven’t updated yet. Either be patient or update them.

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Awesome huge update. Libreoffice 7 is quite cool with skia. Only that it needs to be enabled and forced from advanced settings though.

Thanks for the feedback - it was done quickly, since I knew the cause :wink:

akonadi still can’t start mysqld itself with mariadb 10.5.5-2 , else the update seems fine here.

I’m on testing branch and updated my mirrors but libreoffice -version gives me

LibreOffice 40(Build:2)

Think thats what @bhh might mean, he was expecting to see v7 . I read the OP so saw both 6.4.6 and 7.0.0 mentioned

You should search / switch for libreoffice-fresh to find v7. Seems you’ve Libreoffice-still installed instead.


Can confirm, the same happened on my machine (also manjaro-i3). Since dunstify is required by dunst and dunst is required by manjaro-i3-settings, I can’t fix this myself.

1,remove dust dunstify manjaro-i3-settings
2,pacman -Syu
3,install dust dunstify manjaro-i3-settings

it is ok …maybe u can try!

Upgrade was a delight.
pacman -Su --overwrite /usr/bin/dunstify got rid of the above-mentioned error.
Also, it complained about the file /etc/apparmor.d/local/firejail-default being already there. It was empty, so I deleted it and the upgrade went fine.

Especially nice is, that the pam updates now work perfectly with systemd-homed and the custom changes from the Arch-Wiki are no longer necessary. :+1:


I renamed dunstify to dusntify.bak and after that the update went fine and the new dunstify binary was installed.

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Seems to be good on my side, on Manjaro Cinnamon. Thanks for the update.

Had the same problem with dunstify on manjaro i3wm. This solved the problem and the update went fine. Thanks.

Still have LibreOffice version, did I miss anything about this update?

You’ll have to install libreoffice-fresh if you want 7.0. :wink:

Ah, I didn’t really mess with much when I changed from stable to testing, will check it out, thank you :slight_smile:

Updated my system without any problems…

Although because the first install was made with 0.8.13 version some details related to systemd startup got changed in one of the latest versions namely the remove of the “telinit” command …

I didn’t get on Cinnamon.
I hope It will came in few days. I so curious about Libre Office

you mean LibreOffice 7.0?

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