Systemd is not a must on a manjaro kde?

I have manjaro KDE with minimun installed package installed.
I am suprise it does not have systemd preinstalled… Is systemd is not a must for linux os of nowaday ?

It is not, but Manjaro KDE minimal has systemd installed and is using it.

How do you check for systemd?

inxi --recommends
It said missing

Better check with

pacman -Qi systemd

or check the journal with

journalctl -b

If you can use the journalctl command, it is a systemd System.

Manjaro is a systemd based distro. It’s the only init system that’s officially supported by Manjaro.

That command not check if systemd is installed or used. It check only inxi dependencies. You probably have output like this:

The following recommended system programs are missing:
Program: runlevel ~ Install package: systemd

It’s probably artifact after init, because systemd doesn’t have runlevel.

1 Like
$ inxi --recommends
inxi will now begin checking for the programs it needs to operate.

Check inxi --help or the man page (man inxi) to see what options are available.
Test: core tools:

Perl version:  5.034000
Current shell: 
Default shell: bash
sh links to: /usr/bin/bash
Package manager: pacman
Test: required system directories:
/proc: ............................................................................................................ Present
/sys: ............................................................................................................. Present
All required system directories are present
Test: recommended system programs:
Note: IPMI sensors are generally only found on servers. To access that data, you only need one of the ipmi items.
blockdev: --admin -p/-P (filesystem blocksize)..................................................................... Present
bt-adapter: -E bluetooth data (if no hciconfig).................................................................... Missing
dig: -i wlan IP.................................................................................................... Missing
dmidecode: -M if no sys machine data; -m........................................................................... Present
doas: -Dx hddtemp-user; -o file-user (alt for sudo)................................................................ Missing
fdisk: -D partition scheme (fallback).............................................................................. Present
file: -o unmounted file system (if no lsblk)....................................................................... Present
hciconfig: -E bluetooth data (deprecated, good report)............................................................. Missing
hddtemp: -Dx show hdd temp, if no drivetemp module................................................................. Missing
ifconfig: -i ip LAN (deprecated)................................................................................... Missing
ip: -i ip LAN...................................................................................................... Present
ipmitool: -s IPMI sensors (servers)................................................................................ Missing
ipmi-sensors: -s IPMI sensors (servers)............................................................................ Missing
lsblk: -L LUKS/bcache; -o unmounted file system (best option)...................................................... Present
lsusb: -A usb audio; -J (optional); -N usb networking.............................................................. Present
lvs: -L LVM data................................................................................................... Present
mdadm: -Ra advanced mdraid data.................................................................................... Present
modinfo: Ax; -Nx module version.................................................................................... Present
runlevel: -I fallback to Perl...................................................................................... Missing
sensors: -s sensors output......................................................................................... Present
smartctl: -Da advanced data........................................................................................ Present
strings: -I sysvinit version....................................................................................... Present
sudo: -Dx hddtemp-user; -o file-user............................................................................... Present
tree: --debugger 20,21 /sys tree................................................................................... Missing
upower: -sx attached device battery info........................................................................... Present
uptime: -I uptime.................................................................................................. Present
The following recommended system programs are missing:
Program: bt-adapter ~ Install package: bluez-tools
Program: dig ~ Install package: dnsutils
Program: doas ~ Install package: doas
Program: hciconfig ~ Install package: bluez-utils-compat (frugalware: bluez-utils)
Program: hddtemp ~ Install package: hddtemp
Program: ifconfig ~ Install package: net-tools
Program: ipmitool ~ Install package: ipmitool
Program: ipmi-sensors ~ Install package: freeipmi
Program: runlevel ~ Install package: systemd
Program: tree ~ Install package: tree
Test: recommended display information programs:
glxinfo: -G glx info............................................................................................... Present
wmctrl: -S active window manager (fallback)........................................................................ Missing
xdpyinfo: -G multi screen resolution............................................................................... Present
xprop: -S desktop data............................................................................................. Present
xrandr: -G single screen resolution................................................................................ Present
The following recommended display information programs are missing:
Program: wmctrl ~ Install package: wmctrl
Test: recommended downloader programs (You only need one of these):
Perl HTTP::Tiny is the default downloader tool if IO::Socket::SSL is present. See --help --alt 40-44 options for how to 
override default downloader(s) in case of issues. 
If dig is installed, it is the default for WAN IP data. Strongly recommended. Dig is fast and accurate.
curl: -i (if no dig); -w,-W; -U.................................................................................... Present
dig: -i wlan IP.................................................................................................... Missing
wget: -i (if no dig); -w,-W; -U.................................................................................... Present
The following recommended downloader programs are missing. However, you really only need dig in most cases. All systems should 
have at least one of the downloader options present.: 
Program: dig ~ Install package: dnsutils
Test: recommended kernel modules:
GPU modules are only needed if applicable. NVMe drives do not need drivetemp but other types do.
To load a module: modprobe <module-name> - To permanently load add to /etc/modules or /etc/modules-load.d/modules.conf (check 
your system paths for exact file/directory names). 
amdgpu: -s AMD GPU sensor data (newer AMD GPUs).................................................................... Missing
drivetemp: -Dx drive temperature (kernel >= 5.6)................................................................... Missing
nouveau: -s Nvidia GPU sensor data (if using free driver).......................................................... Missing
The following recommended kernel modules are missing:
Kernel Module: amdgpu
Kernel Module: drivetemp
Kernel Module: nouveau
Test: recommended Perl modules (Optional):
None of these are strictly required, but if you have them all, you can eliminate some recommended non Perl programs from the 
HTTP::Tiny and IO::Socket::SSL must both be present to use as a downloader option. For json export Cpanel::JSON::XS is 
preferred over JSON::XS. To run --debug 20-22 File::Copy, File::Find, and File::Spec::Functions must be present (most distros 
have these in Core Modules). 
File::Copy: --debug 20-22 - required to run debugger............................................................... Present
File::Find: --debug 20-22 - required to run debugger............................................................... Present
File::Spec::Functions: --debug 20-22 - required to run debugger.................................................... Present
HTTP::Tiny: -U; -w,-W; -i (if dig not installed)................................................................... Present
IO::Socket::SSL: -U; -w,-W; -i (if dig not installed).............................................................. Missing
Time::HiRes: -C cpu sleep (not required); --debug timers........................................................... Present
Cpanel::JSON::XS: --output json - required for export.............................................................. Missing
JSON::XS: --output json - required for export (legacy)............................................................. Missing
XML::Dumper: --output xml - Crude and raw.......................................................................... Missing
Net::FTP: --debug 21,22............................................................................................ Present
The following recommended Perl modules are missing:
Perl Module: IO::Socket::SSL ~ Install package: perl-io-socket-ssl
Perl Module: Cpanel::JSON::XS ~ Install package: perl-cpanel-json-xs
Perl Module: JSON::XS ~ Install package: perl-json-xs
Perl Module: XML::Dumper ~ Install package: perl-xml-dumper
Test: recommended directories:
/dev: -l,-u,-o,-p,-P,-D disk partition data........................................................................ Present
/dev/disk/by-id: -D serial numbers................................................................................. Present
/dev/disk/by-label: -l,-o,-p,-P partition labels................................................................... Present
/dev/disk/by-path: -D extra data................................................................................... Present
/dev/disk/by-uuid: -u,-o,-p,-P partition uuid...................................................................... Present
/sys/class/dmi/id: -M system, motherboard, bios.................................................................... Present
All recommended directories are present
Test: recommended files:
Note that not all of these are used by every system, so if one is missing it's usually not a big deal.
/etc/lsb-release: -S distro version data (older version)........................................................... Present
/etc/os-release: -S distro version data (newer version)............................................................ Present
/proc/asound/cards: -A sound card data............................................................................. Present
/proc/asound/version: -A ALSA data................................................................................. Present
/proc/cpuinfo: -C cpu data......................................................................................... Present
/proc/mdstat: -R mdraid data (if you use dm-raid).................................................................. Missing
/proc/meminfo: -I,-tm, -m memory data.............................................................................. Present
/proc/modules: -G module data (sometimes).......................................................................... Present
/proc/mounts: -P,-p partition advanced data........................................................................ Present
/proc/scsi/scsi: -D Advanced hard disk data (used rarely).......................................................... Present
/var/log/Xorg.0.log: -G graphics driver load status................................................................ Present
The following recommended files are missing:
File: /proc/mdstat
Ok, all done with the checks. Have a nice day.
The following recommended system programs are missing:
Program: bt-adapter ~ Install package: bluez-tools
Program: dig ~ Install package: dnsutils
Program: doas ~ Install package: doas
Program: hciconfig ~ Install package: bluez-utils-compat (frugalware: bluez-utils)
Program: hddtemp ~ Install package: hddtemp
Program: ifconfig ~ Install package: net-tools
Program: ipmitool ~ Install package: ipmitool
Program: ipmi-sensors ~ Install package: freeipmi
Program: runlevel ~ Install package: systemd    <------------
Program: tree ~ Install package: tree

A bit late… i installed the systemd according to inxi suggestion… and it is installed before you post reply. I wish i check first… so that i know.

You are right … Can you please explain a bit more for me ? what is runlevel ? and why the need to install systemd if systemd is already installed on manjaro kde ?

no, without systemd : no manjaro ! here is a inxi “bug”

pactree -r systemd 
LANG=en pacman -Qi systemd | grep ^Req

Sorry, your answer is too short that i can’t make up what you meant. Pactree is ultility to check dependancy of packages…
pactree -r systemd should be to check for what packages depends on systemd …
What do you meant by no, without systemd : no manjaro ! here is a inxi “bug”

without systemd : no manjaro !
After multiple reading and thinking, I think you meant Manjaro NEEDS systemd, without systemd manjaro can’t run ?

To sum this up:

  • You already had systemd installed because Manjaro requires it.
  • You were told how to actually check if it’s installed.
  • You were told why inxi thinks it’s not there, which is obviously not true.

There’s nothing you need to do. We’re done here.