Hi everyone. I hope you all had a good year so far
I have a weird issue, and it starts with “sometimes”…
Sometimes, after logging in, I have no desktop, desktop icon or system tray, usually with an all black wallpaper.
Only the windows that were opened when I last shutdown ; Firefox, dolphin and the konsole.
Adding to the weirdness, alt tab works, super+d also shows my the desktop and get the apps back when pressed again but ctrl+t doesn’t bring up another konsole windows WHILE changing the cursor to indicate one is going to open, just like super+e seems to try to open a dolphin window but nothing happens.
I tried to look up issue but I only get “system tray icon not showing” stuff and the answers are application specific…
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide and happy new year
It will help people to provide assistance if you provide some system details, e.g.:
inxi -zv8
→ Place 3 backticks ``` on empty lines above and below your pasted output
→ highlight the pasted text and click the </> button at the top of the reply window.
This presents the terminal output in a scrollable box which improves Forum formatting.
This way, we’ll know for example if you are using x11 or Wayland, etc. .
I wonder if the Yakuake drop-down Terminal will still respond? F12 to use it. I believe it’s installed by default on Manjaro KDE.
Otherwise, probably best to just always have a Konsole window open. I do, but that’s because I use it a fair bit. If you can still un-minimize Konsole, even better.
I usually have one open as I have to type “shutdown” in it, the GUI one shuts down linux but not my computer (i’ll fix that later…) (back in the saddle after years of windows)