"sudo" command is saying my password is wrong when it isn't

I miss users. Enter

su -
gpasswd -a antojaro users

Hello again @Wollie, I’m sorry for the late (different times from our countries). Unfortunately, it doens’t solved to. I will download de ISO and reinstall the distro again, (hoping that it solve).
Thank u, for the help.

If you care to search before you ask you would find plenty issues on the subject.

And using the search word combo kde password would give a long list.

One recommendation I am used to make is to use a different password for the root user and your user - I think I will begin to recommend to disable the root user - simply because you will rarely need to use root as the first user created on Manjaro is always belonging to the wheel group.

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thanks for the tips @linux-aarhus , I will search deep.

I am kinda new to linux, so if u can access a prompt as root, why dont you use the passwd command? i mean thats what you do to set a password the first time when an user is created. Soo giv it a shot ig? Once again i am a noob. The command would be something like

passwd antojaro

I try to change the root user password (with sudo passwd), but that doens’t solved to.

So, I gonna search all about “pacman password” and similars on Forum, if I can’t find a solution, I will reinstall the system, with the same password to user an root next time,

Even after having done a fresh installation of Manjaro-Plasma, the problem with the “sudo” command persists.
And this time at installation, I used the same password for “root” and for normal user.