Arc-icon-theme dependency issue

I wanted to install arc-icon-theme from the main repository, but I got a error that I needed another set of faba-icon-theme for these icons, but it’s not in the repositories. Isn’t it wrong that the main repositories have packages with broken dependencies?

faba-icon theme is not necessary at install process, is an optional depends…

~ >>> pamac info arc-maia-icon-theme                                           
Nome                         : arc-maia-icon-theme
Versione                     : 20161122-3
Descrizione                  : Arc icon theme Manjaro variant.
URL                          :
Licenze                      : GPL3
Repository                   : community
Dimensione installato        : 9,1 MB
Dipendenze necessarie        : gtk-update-icon-cache hicolor-icon-theme
Dipendenze opzionali         : faba-icon-theme: Smaller version of moka with no
                               application icons
                               elementary-icon-theme: Secondary icon theme
                               arc-themes-maia: gtk theme of arc-maia
Dipendenze per la costruzione: inkscape optipng libcanberra
Packager                     : Stefano Capitani <>
Data di creazione            : 25/06/2017
Firme                        : Si

in any case i rebuild the package to remove it… seem faba is not in arch repo in this days…

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Yes, so even 2 bugs come out, Pamac first notifies that it’s not a mandatory dependency, and during the installation it gives that faba-icon is a mandatory dependency and nothing will be installed.

Neither is moka-icon-theme which is a hard dependency of arc-icon-theme and arc-maia-icon-theme. There’s no reason to have an arc-icon-theme overlay at all unless you want to add Moka & Faba to the repos.

Error: Failed to prepare transaction:                                                                                                                                                
could not satisfy dependencies:
- unable to satisfy dependency 'moka-icon-theme' required by arc-icon-theme
Resolving dependencies...
Warning: cannot resolve "moka-icon-theme", a dependency of "arc-icon-theme"
Error: Failed to prepare transaction:
could not satisfy dependencies:
- unable to satisfy dependency 'moka-icon-theme' required by arc-icon-theme

Yep, i have removed from pkgbuild and also the wrong depends … now the problem: this pkg Is old and the re color script wich use inkscape command line got me errors … After eat i Need to investigate what Is changed in the flag options …

seem i trouble to build this at this time i encountered this error

Now we’re getting off-topic. This thread is about arc-icon-theme, not arc-maia-icon-theme. :wink:

I can’t find your PKGBUILD for arc-maia-icon-theme on GitLab, either.

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