An issue was mentioned in the Stable Update 2024-10-10 announcement that may be related to your issue:
Those who have issues with steam games may check this thread for help: Steam games won’t launch after 2024-10-10 stable update
Updating to the adwaita-icon-theme-legacy-46.2-3 package seems to resolve some issues.
sudo pacman -Syu adwaita-icon-theme-legacy
Some of the reasons a package may be held back would be to avoid such complication; to ensure compatible package versions are finally released to Stable in unison. I believe impatience is the key factor to understanding where most of these complaints might originate.
Personal opinion only.
This is nothing that can’t be rectified by a little research; and there are plenty of resources both within this very forum; and without.
Basic BASH
commands are always a hoot to start with:
Plus, learning commands specific to Manjaro (or Arch) is sure to be beneficial;
- System Maintenance - Manjaro
- Manjaro Kernels - Manjaro
- Pamac - Manjaro
- pacman - ArchWiki
- and much more…
All it takes is a willingness to learn;
something sadly lacking in many newer users.
Good luck.