[Stable Update] 2024-05-13 - Kernels, Plasma 6, Gnome 46, LxQT 2.0, Nvidia, Pacman

Updated today - no problem, everything is fine, but there is one problem. All audio devices are working correctly, but are not displayed in the volume control widget. Does anyone know how to fix this?



luckily meanwhile there is a workaround, edit your ~/.config/qBittorrent/qBittorrent.conf
and change StartUpWindowState=Hidden to StartUpWindowState=Normal

I’m having problems with LibreOffice Writer. It may have something to do with auto save. It freezes, but I can acess the File menu and save. When I minimize and maximize the frozen window, it just shows what was behind the Writer window (e.g. the browser, or the desktop). Then I have to close the window and open it again.


A post was split to a new topic: Firewalld and kcm_firewall

Look in sddm settings.
The “Behavior” button.

Since no one replied, I just went ahead and did the normal upgrade and then installed the latest kernel after rebooting. The only complication I had was the update simply removed the Nvidia driver instead of upgrading it because it was seen as incompatible. (Running on a laptop with integrated Intel so at least I could get to the desktop). I had to reinstall the hybrid driver through Manjaro Settings to get the Nvidia driver reinstalled

If your ‘nvidia driver was incompatible’ then you replaced things with foreign packages at some point and/or you are running an EOL kernel.

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This is my current kernel version. And I haven’t removed any packages from my system since the upgrade.

I should have said ‘have an EOL kernel installed.’.
That said I dont know for sure about your situation … I was guessing at the reason for the other user stating ‘could not update because nvidia was incompatible’. This could not occur with supported kernels and nvidia packages … unless there was something very wrong with the mirror maybe?

@buckysrevenge Which driver worked for you ?

@cscs any idea what could have gone wrong?

Please refrain from posting screen shots on the forum…


angrysearch, gpodder, shutter don’t work any more after the update - should they be reinstalled?

Also, pamac GUI keeps crashing when opened, especially when attempt to browse apps.

Can it be fixed? :slight_smile:

Thanks for letting me know. WIll keep this in mind

It works, but KDE6 is very slow at least when using multiple monitors. Menus of all KDE apps, all windows, copy & paste, context menu etc. is delayed. The problem has occurred several times in the past (kwin) development and testing are probably carried out with a single monitor system.


I can tell you about gpodder: it is still incompatible with python 3.12. There is already a test patch, the developer has pushed a new version in arch. I have notified the manjaro Team to fasttrack it to us asap.

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Since there is so much trouble, I am considering completely wiping my notebook and reinstalling manjaro. It might be a lot faster than upgrading and fixing issues 1 by 1.

For the people who upgraded to qt6 KDE / Plasma. How did it go? How smooth was the experience and how many manual fixes did you have to do after the update?

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I love KDE and have been using it for a long time, but I’m thinking about switching to XFCE …

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Hey folks theres a new set of Stable Branch updates with a new thread:

And dont forget the Known Issues and Solutions second post: