[Stable Update] 2024-05-13 - Kernels, Plasma 6, Gnome 46, LxQT 2.0, Nvidia, Pacman

2 posts were split to a new topic: Microphones are no longer working

Fangfrisch and amdgpu-fan both tell me that there is an error in line 5 of their bin’s?

Mai 13 22:03:57 x amdgpu-fan[2246]: Traceback (most recent call last):
Mai 13 22:03:57 x amdgpu-fan[2246]:   File "/usr/bin/amdgpu-fan", line 5, in <module>
Mai 13 22:03:57 x amdgpu-fan[2246]:     from amdgpu_fan.controller import main
Mai 13 22:03:57 x amdgpu-fan[2246]: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'amdgpu_fan'
Mai 13 22:03:57 x systemd[1]: amdgpu-fan.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Mai 13 22:03:57 x systemd[1]: amdgpu-fan.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Mai 13 22:03:58 x systemd[1]: amdgpu-fan.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 5.
Mai 13 22:03:58 x systemd[1]: amdgpu-fan.service: Start request repeated too quickly.
Mai 13 22:03:58 x systemd[1]: amdgpu-fan.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Mai 13 22:03:58 x systemd[1]: Failed to start amdgpu fan controller.
Mai 13 22:10:30 x fangfrisch[4737]: Traceback (most recent call last):
Mai 13 22:10:30 x fangfrisch[4737]:   File "/usr/bin/fangfrisch", line 5, in <module>
Mai 13 22:10:30 x fangfrisch[4737]:     from fangfrisch.__main__ import main
Mai 13 22:10:30 x fangfrisch[4737]: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'fangfrisch'
Mai 13 22:10:30 x systemd[1]: fangfrisch.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Mai 13 22:10:30 x systemd[1]: fangfrisch.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.

and my network connection didn’t come up, but that has happened before and might not be related to this update.

After the 3,5 Gig update i am still testing and adjusting stuff, but the first thing i found is the problem with the QT theming on XFCE. It was actually mentioned in the unstable update announcement, but is obviously forgotten here.
Maybe @philm can add to the “Known issues” the need to install kvantum-qt5.
I have written a post about it here


I think my notification styles are a bit strange after update:


It seems that the text and icon are not well aligned.

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Hey, this is just for the package manager, as the notification just misses a heading - or do you have the problem in other cases? It is supposed like this (link to release notes)

I opened a bug here, I don’t know if it’s Manjaro of KDE fault.


You already had it installed as a dependency for something. Check what depends on it. Whatever it is, at least temporarily remove it until you’ve completed the update.

pamac info electron22 | grep 'Required By\|Optional For'

Electron 22 is EOL (End Of Life) and was dropped from the repos to the AUR. If you still need it, install the binary electron22-bin AUR package instead to avoid spending potentially hours building it from source.

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Gnome stuck at gdm after hitting login button

journalctl -xe:

gkr-pam: unable to locate daemon control file

We’re going to need more information than an unrelated warning. Please create your own Support topic for further troubleshooting.

My SDDM was just a black screen.

Via TTY I changed the theme to Breeze where ever I could find Breathe. /etc/sddm.conf.d/00-manjaro_settings.conf was one such file. It might have been the only file.

KDE update went smoothly. Only advice I followed was making a snapshot and running the update from TTY.

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I am having issues with kvantum themes on some Qt applications on LXQt. Vlc, qterminal, and qtbittorrent are the ones I have found so far. They disregard the chosen kvantum theme and are a bright white. They stick out like a sore thumb in my dark themed desktop and hurt my eyes.
I have tried changing the kvantum theme, even selecting standard Manjaro themes and they still ignore the kvantum theme.
Not sure what to do.

Nope. All ctrl-alt-F2 does is shift the menu underneath the login window. Or is there a way to logout of KDE without logging out as a user? By the way, I have two users, one with SUDO privileges and one without.

I am having issue with the update, when I try to startx, I get an error “no display found” with a vega56 graphic card. I tried with few kernels, some don’t even give me a tty.

This is also what I do. I’m staying as close as possible to the standard. For me it looks nice enough. I choose dark theme, just change the background and symbols.

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Was anyone able to fix the fractional hidpi scaling mess on non-KDE desktops? On XFCE with fonts scaled to 120dpi, My qt6 apps (like ark) have too big fonts, the qt5 apps like systemdgenie or audacious are normal.
Everything i found as env variables changes both accordingly - qt5 is either too small then or full with artefacts.

Thinkpad T60, T5500, i915, XGA 1024x768; WAN speed OK.


Full screen video playback on Falkon Browser choppy
With Falkon v24.02.2 full screen video playback on YouTube is choppy and decreased in performance. It was good with the previous version.
Same full screnn playback with Firefox is OK. No dropped frames at all.

KRunner has text display issues (black on black) with “Dark Breath” . You can guess from the icons displayed.

Several other display glitches, e.g. no graphs in “History” in KSysMonitor with “Dark Breath” theme.


Will my custom mouse gestures still work on 6 and Wayland, even if re-imported from file?

I updated, that wasn’t any problem. Pamac showed me wrong – krunner5 was replaced by new krunner and removed after update :man_shrugging:

It’s something with OpenSSL 3.3, whether a compilation issue or some feature of 3.3, I dunno. I downgraded to 3.2.1-1 and the openvpn connections came up right away. Something to do with how it’s verifying CRL files and failing that verification going off the errors

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