[Stable Update] 2024-02-21 - Kernels, KDE, VirtualBox, Calamares, ROCm, Firefox, Thunderbird

I solved the problem by modifying Plymouth with nosplash instead of splash.
It kinda work now.

“/etc/bash.bashrc” affects all users. Root’s .bashrc file is “/root/.bashrc”.

I’m the only person (though not the only “user”) using any of the computers I’ve installed Manjaro on (including at work), so I want all “users” to have the same bash profile. So everything goes in “/etc/bash.bashrc” and the “/home/jacksprat/.bashrc” files are nearly-empty.

Good idea! Thanks! Since it appears that Pacman and/or Pamac sometimes wipe-out “/etc/bash.bashrc”, I’ll do as you suggest; will speed-up recovery if that happens again.

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Whats the reasoning behind making update-grub a dependency of mhwd? Not everyone uses grub.

Not a huge deal, I can override the pacman hook and grub-install will never run, but it could’ve gotten a bit messy if my boot entries weren’t set to read-only in the firmware.


Before this update, I was on Kernel 6.6, and I still had 6.5 installed. After the update, I was back on 6.5 for some reason. I tried rebooting to change to 6.6 in Grub’s advanced setting, but only 6.5 was there.

Then I deleted the 6.6 kernel from the KDE setting UI. It’s no longer listed as installed there, but if I try to install it again (even after a reboot), I get an error saying it’s already installed.

Any idea how I can safely get back on the 6.6 kernel?

try to do it using the command line.

mhw-kernel -li

mhwd-kernel -r linux66
mhwd-kernel -i linux66

if this does not work you need to do it via pacman.

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Did you try re-running sudo update-grub before removing 6.6?

Nevermind, I see now, this looks temporary while some packages are being moved around.

If anyone needs to stop grub-install from running, you can override the pacman hook by creating an empty file at /etc/pacman.d/hooks/99-update-grub.hook.

# touch /etc/pacman.d/hooks/99-update-grub.hook

Looks like the dependency has been removed in the unstable branch.

I finally found out what’s been happening (to everyone, not just me) with “/bin/fakefoot”: Since it’s now marked as “a dependent of package ‘pacman-contrib’ only”, and since many systems don’t have package “pacman-contrib” installed, on many systems it’s marked “orphan” (not a dependency of any package) and hence gets deleted. I discovered this just today, 26 Feb ’24, when I noticed that “fakeroot” was in Pamac’s list of “orphans” on one of my computers. I had to manually mark it “explicitly installed” to prevent it from getting tossed when I purged orphans. This was likely an unintended consequence of the recent splitting of “pacman-contrib” from “pacman”.


As has already been pointed out fakeroot is also a dependency of the base-devel package which anyone using the AUR on Manjaro should have installed. It wouldn’t have been removed if that package was installed.

I know that previously, depending on what other development packages were installed, it may well have been possible to use the AUR and build packages without base-devel. That was pure luck and the requirement for base-devel is clearly documented.


Hello, folks.
After the last update, I noticed that my system it’s a little slower than before. Gnome UI, resizing the windows, changing the volume with a game opened… A little freezes or it delayed to finish the action. Even the Manjaro Settings it’s slow to open.
Are anyone else with this problem?
Using the task manager, I saw that Xorg go up to a peak of usage when this happens.
Kernel 6.1 LTS, NVIDIA (with latest drivers), X11.

EDIT: Another problem today: PC got suspended, and when I turned it on, mice and keyboard light up, but no video. Had to restart.

Thanks for the reply. Installing it with pacman fixed it

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A post was split to a new topic: I have a problem with my local installation of dovecot

Hi! having some minor issue running this latest stable update.

XFCE user here. My laptop should s2ram after some inactivity, but I’m seen these kind of messages since this update:
Feb 28 08:15:12 tpad1 polkitd[1691]: Operator of unix-session:2 FAILED to authenticate to gain authorization for action org.freedesktop.login1.suspend for system-bus-name::1.41 [xfce4-power->
Feb 27 19:01:01 tpad1 pkexec[380468]: superuser: Error executing command as another user: Not authorized [USER=root] [TTY=unknown] [CWD=/home/superuser] [COMMAND=/usr/bin/xfpm-power-backligh>

Likely related to the recent polkit update. I’l check this later today, but if someone has any idea please let me know.

Does anybody have an idea why my KDE taskbar which should show opened applications does not show anything anymore after this update? It is still there if i go into editing the control bar at the bottom meaning it shows as a mini program on the control bar (task bar with only icons), but is shows no icons of opened applications.

9 posts were split to a new topic: Various issues encountered during update

I upgraded the system on Monday the 26th, the boot is very slow, there are “failed to start powerdevil” errors and then there are freezes that last a few seconds.

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Looking at the error message, it’s seems indeed (also) related to the removal of the package manjaro-hotfixes last month.

I think that you can restore the part of the Polkit rule that was deleted in it simply by adding:

polkit.addRule(function(action, subject) {
    if (action.id == "org.freedesktop.login1.power-off" ||
        action.id == "org.freedesktop.login1.reboot" ||
        action.id == "org.freedesktop.login1.hibernate" ||
        action.id == "org.freedesktop.login1.suspend") {
        return polkit.Result.YES;

in a file in the /etc/polkit-1/rules.d/ directory. You can name it as the old one that was deleted (99-manjaro.rules) or anything else following the same syntax (I’m using 10-admin.rules on my other Linux systems for such changes) and after a reboot, it should be solved.

You might want to have a look on this page to see if it’s related:

All pacnew files are merged? And scroll Top and look at Known issues and solutions. Try the newer LTS Kernel 6.6 might help.

I don’t know if all pacnew files are merged… Ih there a way to check that?

I change to 6.6 LTS. THings got a little better, but still buggy

This might help: