[Stable Update] 2024-02-21 - Kernels, KDE, VirtualBox, Calamares, ROCm, Firefox, Thunderbird

9 posts were split to a new topic: Various issues encountered during update

I upgraded the system on Monday the 26th, the boot is very slow, there are “failed to start powerdevil” errors and then there are freezes that last a few seconds.

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Looking at the error message, it’s seems indeed (also) related to the removal of the package manjaro-hotfixes last month.

I think that you can restore the part of the Polkit rule that was deleted in it simply by adding:

polkit.addRule(function(action, subject) {
    if (action.id == "org.freedesktop.login1.power-off" ||
        action.id == "org.freedesktop.login1.reboot" ||
        action.id == "org.freedesktop.login1.hibernate" ||
        action.id == "org.freedesktop.login1.suspend") {
        return polkit.Result.YES;

in a file in the /etc/polkit-1/rules.d/ directory. You can name it as the old one that was deleted (99-manjaro.rules) or anything else following the same syntax (I’m using 10-admin.rules on my other Linux systems for such changes) and after a reboot, it should be solved.

You might want to have a look on this page to see if it’s related:

All pacnew files are merged? And scroll Top and look at Known issues and solutions. Try the newer LTS Kernel 6.6 might help.

I don’t know if all pacnew files are merged… Ih there a way to check that?

I change to 6.6 LTS. THings got a little better, but still buggy

This might help:

pacdiff -s

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One strange problem since this update.

Firefox is started on my Plasma system through an autostart script. When another application (such as Thunderbird or Tickr) tries to open a web page I get a pop-up telling me that Firefox is already running and I need to shut it down before I can run it (previously the link would simply open). When I do shut it down and restart it, I get another pop-up telling me that it didn’t shut down cleanly. Though at least after that, other applications can pass links to it.

Kvantum themes aren’t being respected. So Qt apps open with a theme other than the one I chose. I’m going to let it be for now, don’t feel like fighting with this now.

Ksnip core dumps with the new -qt5 dependencies. I already dealt with this in Artix and here I did the same thing - downgraded and locked everything involved in this (ksnip, kcolorpicker, kimageannotator and gwenview, a casualty that also depends on the newer -qt5 ones) for the foreseeable future.

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Then you don’t have it configured correctly.

What new dependencies? It seems you haven’t updated since at least November.

Please create a new Support topic for each issue.

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Yet, there are several of us having issue with Qt apps since the last update. My DE is XFCE.
Kvantum was correctly configured before this update and i did not change anything.

It seems the issue is reported here https://bugs.launchpad.net/kvantum/+bug/2054321

My issue is a little bit different with Qt apps though because i only have theming issues with Qt 5 apps (not with Qt 6), they do not “catch” the theme defined with kvantum.

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Have you tried this

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bashrc-manjaro has recently been replaced by bash. New package does not apply configuration settings in ~/.profile, including: export QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME="qt5ct"

After update, system is not applying configuration settings in ~/.profile including: export QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME="qt5ct" for QT theme

If there is no response to this command


Copy the configuration in ~/.profile to ~/.bash_profile


Add this to ~/.bash_profile

[[ -f ~/.profile ]] && . ~/.profile

After 2024-02-21 stable update ~/.profile file is no longer sourced

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Thanks, that solved VLC not using the dark theme of my Cinnamon DE :+1:

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In my last message i said i do not have issues with Qt5 apps, but only with Qt6 (Polychromatic, Qbittorrent). In reality, i also have issue with Okular (which is Qt5), but no issues with VLC for instance.

Maybe some Qt apps also support GTK integration, i do not have the clue.
→ For those who are using zsh like me, i created a .zprofile file instead of .bash_profile.

Do you also have an issue Okular or Qbittorrent or Polychromatic (even though for the last two one i could use their custom internal theming) ? just to have an idea

Qbittorrent, Okular and vlc are fine (follow the theme) here on XFCE.

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My .profile is being read just fine. What does bash have to do with it? Nothing actually changed except for the two packages merging into one. Do you have any bash pacsaves left over?

I tried following this guide, but I missed up something and kind of deleted my user. After a reboot, I can not login anymore. I had to restore a Timeshift backup.
Should I “Merge” or “Overwrite”?

Some time ago I used DIFFPROG=meld pacdiff -s . It is the same thing but using meld?

Sorry about my “noob” question. In 2 years, I almost don’t verified pacnew files

Neither (merge doesn’t work as expected for some reason). Do this;

I have installed paccache with pacman -Syu pacman-contrib.