[Stable Update] 2023-11-28 - Kernels, Firefox, Appstream 1.0, Blender 4.0, Cinnamon

I am running kernel 6.5 (same with 6.6) here — since the last update (or the previous one, I didn’t check) my Wacom tablet is busted (X11, will try with Wayland — tried, works with Wayland, although it’s a bit pesky).

Symptoms: I can use the pen to move the cursor, but as soon as I click anywhere the gnome-shell interface freezes, and the only way to recover it is to call the prompt with Alt-F2 and then press “ESC”.

Does anybody experience that?

Post Data: It seems this one: Fix tablets on X11 having the wrong device (!3393) · Merge requests · GNOME / mutter · GitLab , which should be merged in Gnome 46…

Kernel 6.5 is EOL.
You should upgrade to 6.6

I tried with 6.6, but nothing changed. The tablet still freezes the interface in Xorg, and works in Wayland. Thank you for the heads-up.

Well, 6.1 is also LTS, you can try that.

I¡ll try, but the fact that it fails in Xorg, and works (although without recognizing the special functions on the key) on Wayland, makes me quite suspicious that the problem is not in the kernel, but maybe in xinput drivers… (which I admit I have no idea on how to check).

Thank you. In this thread the maintainer states he found another workaround for the issue he wanted to solve in first place and thus added back the additional names.
The Manjaro Stable Updates from today December 1st already has the new versions and both names are back again.

# fc-list |grep SauceCodeProNerdFont-Regular.ttf
/usr/share/fonts/TTF/SauceCodeProNerdFont-Regular.ttf: SauceCodePro Nerd Font,SauceCodePro NF:style=Regular

I’m sorry. This is completely off topic. But this :point_down:

…sounds like the start of a bad infomercial…

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