[Stable Update] 2023-11-06 - Kernels, Gnome 45.1, Plasma 5.27.9, Firefox, Thunderbird, Pipewire

That’s obviously a monitor problem. It should ignore commands that come from the second input when using the first input.

I’ve seen this dimming as a prelude to sleep states many times, and across several platforms; it seems to have been popular for quite some time. It’s a nice transitional effect for those who enjoy that kind of thing. I’m not sure I like it, either, however, if there is a method provided to deactivate it, use it.

I’m guessing this is only applicable to laptops, as I could not find any brightness dimming settings under Energy Saving.

Is it a bug on my side or is the Battery & Brightness sys-tray setting gone?
You could disable screensaver from there, also adjust your CPU - power save vs normal vs performance.
It’s still in the Systray settings but won’t show up…
In the Widget “Battery & Brightness” only screensaver disable option is given.
Speaking of KDE Plasma of course.

Also I am experiencing higher CPU usage seemingly caused by org_kde_powerdevil

If that’s anything to do with powerdevil then there is currently an issue with that which requires downgrading. See;

EDIT @philm should probably be added to known issues, there have been a number of users with the same problem since the update.

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Ok that explains my addition I just made:

Also I am experiencing higher CPU usage seemingly caused by org_kde_powerdevil

Done. Unsure I can provide a safe fix for others though.

[details=“my workaround”]
Log out of your session
login: username
your password
sudo manjaro-downgrade powerdevil
select version powerdevil-5.27.9-1 and confirm
sudo manjaro-downgrade ddcutil
select version ddcutil-1.4.1-1 and confirm
If either of the versions is not there you need to download them and copy or move them to /var/cache/pacman/pkg
For this you need sudo privileges and redo the above. You’ll get out of TTY by CTRL+ALT+F2 [/details]

I don’t know if this is something I should be concerned about, but since this update I’ve been getting quite a few journal messages saying:

systemd-journald[265]: Suppressed 2036 messages from user@1000.service

(My user is UID 1000).

These seem to be coming from vast numbers of messages such as:

Nov 11 20:29:24 antwerp kactivitymanagerd[986155]: kf.service.services: The desktop entry file "/home/tony/.local/share/applications/Radio.desktop" has Type= "Application" but has no Exec field.
Nov 11 20:29:24 antwerp kactivitymanagerd[986155]: kf.service.services: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/org.freedesktop.Xwayland.desktop" has Type= "Application" but has no Exec field.
Nov 11 20:29:24 antwerp kactivitymanagerd[986155]: kf.service.services: The desktop entry file "/home/tony/.local/share/applications/Rear Light Manual.desktop" has Type= "Application" but has no Exec field.
Nov 11 20:29:24 antwerp kactivitymanagerd[986155]: kf.service.services: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/qemu.desktop" has Type= "Application" but has no Exec field.
Nov 11 20:29:24 antwerp kactivitymanagerd[986155]: kf.service.services: The desktop entry file "/home/tony/.local/share/applications/Radio.desktop" has Type= "Application" but has no Exec field.
Nov 11 20:29:24 antwerp kactivitymanagerd[986155]: kf.service.services: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/org.freedesktop.Xwayland.desktop" has Type= "Application" but has no Exec field.

So it seems to be complaining about menu entries (mostly automatically generated) which, despite the complaint, are actually working OK.

Apparently kxmlgui5, kservice5, kcoreaddons5 collided with the non-5-versions.
I had to uninstall libkpi, kdav2 and kimap2, kube and sink. After that the update ran fine.

I’m having similar issues. I try to start a full system upgrade with pacman -Syu and it asks to replace a bunch of KDE modules starting with:

:: Replace attica with extra/attica5? [Y/n]

and if I accept this large set of replacements, it says:

resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: removing kpeople breaks dependency 'kpeople' required by kpeoplevcard
:: removing kcontacts breaks dependency 'kcontacts' required by kpeoplevcard
 -> Failed to install layer, rolling up to next layer.error:error installing repo packages

If I decline the replacement of these packages, it just returns:

resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...
:: kparts5 and kparts are in conflict. Remove kparts? [y/N] n
error: unresolvable package conflicts detected
error: failed to prepare transaction (conflicting dependencies)
:: kparts5 and kparts are in conflict (kparts<5.111)
 -> Failed to install layer, rolling up to next layer.error:error installing repo packages

Has anyone experienced similar issues? I thought my whole package DB might be awry, so I made a live USB of Manjaro and attempted to run updates, but experienced the exact same issue.

The second post in announcement threads contains Known issues and solutions.

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