[Stable Update] 2023-11-06 - Kernels, Gnome 45.1, Plasma 5.27.9, Firefox, Thunderbird, Pipewire

I hope it helps you.

Thank you for your good work. With this package in place, ZFS also is working fine.

It was working even at the last minute. One problem is that writing is very slow. (zfs 2.2.0)

[2023-11-08T23:24:34+0900] [ALPM] installed linux66-zfs (2.2.0-1.0)
[2023-11-08T23:24:34+0900] [ALPM] installed linux65-zfs (2.2.0-1.0)
[2023-11-08T23:24:34+0900] [ALPM] installed linux61-zfs (2.2.0-1.0)
[2023-11-08T13:08:32+0900] [ALPM] upgraded pacman-mirrors (4.24.0+1+g018442f-1 -> 4.24.1-1)
[2023-11-07T21:22:31+0900] [ALPM] installed zfs-dkms (2.2.0-2)

Had problems:
:: installing baloo5 (5.111.0-1) breaks dependency ‘baloo’ required by elisa
:: installing kpeople5 (5.111.0-1) breaks dependency ‘kpeople’ required by kpeoplevcard
:: installing kcontacts5 (5.111.0-1) breaks dependency ‘kcontacts’ required by kpeoplevcard
:: installing kxmlgui5 (5.111.0-1) breaks dependency ‘kxmlgui’ required by libkipi
:: installing kservice5 (5.111.0-1) breaks dependency ‘kservice’ required by libkipi

The solution:
sudo pacman -R kdeconnect elisa libkipi kpeoplevcard
sudo pacman -S kdeconnect

@ehhen Good that also the linuxYY-zfs packages work similar for you as the ZFS-DKMS package. Regarding speed of writing I can’t do anything. Might be a regression in 2.2 series. Check the issue tracker upstream.


Well, seems one of these updates created some issue for your system (those which got updated).

Here are options you can do:

  • reinstall the system with your 23.0.4 ISO and choose btrfs as filesystem, when you do autopartitioning. This will automatically install needed software to do an automatic backup whenever you do an action with pacman
  • if you see an issue you can reboot and choose the working back from bootloader menu

Other things:

  • as suggested get a developer image before or from 30th October and test your system in live-session. That would reflect the similar state as you are now. Newer versions would reflect unstable/testing branch updates, which might fix your current regressions
  • if you think it is a kernel regression, try either linux61 or linux66

More or less it is hard to diagnose what issues your system has or why it gets when you update it to this update state.

I know my issue is minute compared to the upheaval about discontinuing ZFS support and the KDE based stuff, but does anyone else experience this?

Flameshot is also behaving the same, which is also Qt based.

Needs more info. Start a new topic for your issue in the GNOME support category and include details like exactly how the applications are being autostarted (from gnome-tweaks?) and any relevant log output (e.g. journalctl -b | grep dbus).

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Is it possible you make a tutorial how you did a manjaro install with the tools you described ?

I was on linux64 when this update came in. When linx64-nvidia got removed I was very curious and if I hadn’t switched to linux65 before rebooting, I believe I would have seen some boot problems.

A post was split to a new topic: VLC no longer plays any videos with the Codec: AOMedia’s AV1 Video (av01)

I’m on kernel 6.6 and this update seems to have made my laptop’s built-in microphone completely vanish. I can’t find it neither in KDE’s applet thingy nor in pavucontrol. Has anyone experienced anything similar?

I lost audio on newest kernels. The problem went away when I switched back to an LTS kernel.

Had to remove the kdeconnect package and all associated dependencies, then do the -Syuu upgrade, then reinstall kdeconnect. That seemed to work.

Are you sure you need to do that? :wink:

I don’t think dimming a monitor for all its sources of input makes sense. If I don’t use my desktop, the energy saving features are there to save energy for that device, not all the devices connected to the monitor. I should be able to use my other devices with full screen brightness.

How is KDE supposed to know that you’ve got other inputs connected to the monitor? If anything you should be blaming the monitor’s KVM switch for allowing an input to dim the screen when that input isn’t the active one.

That’s obviously a monitor problem. It should ignore commands that come from the second input when using the first input.

I’ve seen this dimming as a prelude to sleep states many times, and across several platforms; it seems to have been popular for quite some time. It’s a nice transitional effect for those who enjoy that kind of thing. I’m not sure I like it, either, however, if there is a method provided to deactivate it, use it.

I’m guessing this is only applicable to laptops, as I could not find any brightness dimming settings under Energy Saving.

Is it a bug on my side or is the Battery & Brightness sys-tray setting gone?
You could disable screensaver from there, also adjust your CPU - power save vs normal vs performance.
It’s still in the Systray settings but won’t show up…
In the Widget “Battery & Brightness” only screensaver disable option is given.
Speaking of KDE Plasma of course.

Also I am experiencing higher CPU usage seemingly caused by org_kde_powerdevil

If that’s anything to do with powerdevil then there is currently an issue with that which requires downgrading. See;

EDIT @philm should probably be added to known issues, there have been a number of users with the same problem since the update.

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Ok that explains my addition I just made:

Also I am experiencing higher CPU usage seemingly caused by org_kde_powerdevil

Done. Unsure I can provide a safe fix for others though.

[details=“my workaround”]
Log out of your session
login: username
your password
sudo manjaro-downgrade powerdevil
select version powerdevil-5.27.9-1 and confirm
sudo manjaro-downgrade ddcutil
select version ddcutil-1.4.1-1 and confirm
If either of the versions is not there you need to download them and copy or move them to /var/cache/pacman/pkg
For this you need sudo privileges and redo the above. You’ll get out of TTY by CTRL+ALT+F2 [/details]